Thanks, Meryl, an important, unearthed article.

I appreciate your tireless work.

“In a place where there are no humans, one must strive to be human.” Hillel, the Elder

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Meryl, with due respect, this is a white paper, a review of reports by others, from a self-interested "center for non-proliferation", hardly an unbiased group! These are some of the people who clamor for biodefense dollars. I have not read the whole thing, only first few pages, but they contain a number of bad examples of fear mongering for money. Even if the summarized instances of the "lab escapes" are true, they hardly amount to pandemics. Smallpox examples: the largest was 80 cases - that's a pandemic? The H1N1 flu - in one of the examples, miraculously, pandemic is "restricted to under 21 year olds" - huh? what a marvelous very intelligent virus. Spanish flu has been utterly discredited by many authors. and other "avian" influenzas likewise. This paper is not evidence of anything other than the authors are asking for government dollars for "biodefense" and "nonproliferation". While I totally agree that no funding should be given for bioengineering of viruses (whatever that is), I also think the groups like the authors of this paper should have no funding either. Then this dangerous nonsense will stop.

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Furmanski is a medical historian and MD and not a beltway bandit/biodefense type at all. The worldwide seasonal flu in 1977 escaped from a freezer nearly 30 years after it first appeared. This was the definition of pandemic then, a new hemaglutinin and new neuraminidase. Young people had not experienced it previously and older people had, thus the effect of age on susceptibility: not surprising considering we have immune systems.

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I am not saying Furmanski is a bandit. It is simply that him and his group clearly benefit from the myth of pandemics. This is a narrative, and a self-reinforcing cycle: Baric comes out and scaremongers “I can make a scary virus for $500!” Has he ever done it other than on paper and as a lab trick? No. Furmanski et al in turn write a paper saying - see! Baric can leak a scary virus! The Center for Nonproliferation needs to be given grants so we can write more papers discussing these things! And so on, this cycle continues in perpetuity, and now we have a $100B spigot of grants where there were none before! All controlled by biodefense. Did this solve any real significant health issues? No. Did it solve the virus leaking issues? Not at all! It just produced more nonsensical science papers and more deadly products that nobody needs, and injured and killed a bunch of people who took all of this on faith.. All I am saying is both sides of this narrative are designed to accomplish the same goal.

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But those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Georges Santayana.

Furmanski gives us true history, like it or not. Deny history at your peril.

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with due respect, that's not a true history. Just one instance of lying discredits that material, and the "virus that affects only >21 yo males" - definitely not a virus. This looks very much like a cover up for vaccines that were given to young men in school or military camp. Same what is being done today covering up covid vax induced covid. We know it is caused by the injections, but all "science" papers are saying it is a pandemic continuing for 4 years. That's how this lie will be recorded 20 years from now, and will end up in another "history" paper by somebody like Furmanski, which will assert that there was a pandemic of a virus that leaked from Wuhan lasting for 4 years. Do you think covid vax cover up is the first instance of this? Of course this is a standard operating procedure since forever! So that's bad quality of work or lack of critical assessment of what he included in his white paper on Furmanski part.

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My most above FYI "Talking History Meryl (whom I love) Everyone in "Sickness business" should have KNOWN after the so called Swine Flu "business operation in 2009-10" that C19 was 99% v likely a scam.... in Australia Swine F was massively promoted as going to kill us all without "the life saving Big Pharma magic vaccines" (bought & offered FREE of charge to all & (to be Bulk billed by Drs) ie Gov paid the DRs & others to "jab"...WELL Guess what 1) The Australian basically did not vaccinate at all..maybe not even 5-10% even &.the unused Vaxes were on a Gov shelf for many yrs, pos still are..,.,& Guess what #2) We had many less deaths that year from flu etc than normal.....SO POINT OF FACT they were 100% wrong or LYING! I think you can bet your house it was a scam as was C19! Pos THIS is why the MANDATES! By & large too many folks do not want them


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The fact they are de-registering many, many Drs ..& even putting folks in prison for rational evidence gathering & scientific debate/arguments re C19 Vax safety say it all....eg Reiner Fuellmich, 67-year-old Dr. Bianca Witzschel for issuing TOTALLY unhealthy & useless mask exemptions...an Australian Dr had office raided & all files taken....Really? And both R & W above just taken into custody & kept there for months pos years pre trial...This is STASSI stuff & we ought all be very, very alarmed I think.

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The issue you a MD's face is world view shattering.

Having treated what was believed to be virus' mostly, hopefullly with natural therapeutics that worked, has nothing to do with the causitive agent.

No one has isolated a virus, it is a brilliant concept and a gift that has, can, and will keep giving until the non science is widely revealed. The Vaxs will plummet when people realize that their good docs and their bosses Big P were always on the take...

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auto correct inserted "you a" for my benefit

auto correct sucks rocks

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It's amazing that such sophistry as is re-published here could gain acceptance with anyone who reads even a portion of the linked piece with a critical mind.

As a point of fact the paper that Meryl is citing here does just about everything BUT provide any actual evidence to support it's brazen opening claim.

For but one example (cited below) this paper is filled with outlandish claims and for anyone to re-publish such nonsense and claim it to be PROOF of anything shows to me that that person has a fierce allegiance to an ideology and is not interested in analytical discussion or open dialogue:

"The 1977 H1N1 flu virus rapidly spread worldwide, in a pandemic that was restricted largely to people under ~ 21 years of age. Older persons had been exposed to related H1N1 viruses prior to 1957, and carried substantial immunity. Mercifully, the “re-emergent” H1N1 virus was not very virulent. Although illness was widespread, affecting 20-70% of those under 20 years of age in school or military camp outbreaks in the first year 14, deaths were few."


The appearance of this “time-traveling throwback” puzzled virologists, because no similar examples had previously been identified in influenza or other similar viruses."

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you write like Arthur Allen, full of bluster but short on fact.

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Your retort is guilty of the very issue made.

World Views are crumbling, citations are assisting.

With science there is always a hypothesis. There are "givens".

The given is that "virus" exist and cause infectious disease though the science is

they have never been isolated and proven to cross infect unlike bacteria and fungus.

No need to post citations about DNA strands is a soup of monkey kidney tissue.

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You happen to be the last person who is interested in facts and open dialogue. Unfortunately you've devolved into a full blown reactionary and seem no longer (if you ever were) interested in intellectual growth.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

That's the actual quote. First however you have to get the history right. The history of pandemics is filled with nothing but make believe stories and outright fraud forwarded by individuals and an industry that has done nothing but harm people.

Start with the real history of the phony Spanish Flu scamdemic rather than the after-the-fact mythology that you have been indoctrinated with:


All the best.

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Spanish Flu hui, Bubonic plague hui, Aids hui, Mumps hui, Measles hui, Diptheria hui, Flu of the day hui, Covid hui, Anthrax hui, Ebola hui

Virus of the season hui.

Hui is pigeon for a lie...

In Hegelian tradition, name the Virus hui and trot out variants, with Big P to the rescue with Vaxs and the Medical Cartel the vectors of dissemination.

Always the same gambit, fear mongering, shortage of Vaxs, and finally after creating scarcity, hurry to your "provider"

An honestly brilliant biz model. Like the Hotal California once you check in,

you can never leave...

At some point hui parrots might take a gander at their World View...

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Meryl, I think if you have to resort to playing the man you lose the argument...try to stay open minded I say. Division re all this stuff is poison.

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LIKE. An historical review without engaging the methodological flaws and biases upon which the PPP conclusions are based. I believe in infectious diseases and viral syndromes but I can not scoff at the criticisms leveled at in-silico sequencing and serial passage through lab tissue culture . We are held hostage by synthetic bioterrorists. Boycott, Defund and Divest.

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Oh those jumping viruses. some one should capture a few and breed them and then pretend they really do exist....sorry it is all BS.

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Get lost. I am through with you timewasters.

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World View imploding, the virus gambit is over.

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Please checkout the work of Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Sam and Mark Bailey, Mike Stone, etc all for the most evidence that disproves germ and contagion theory.

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And Dr. Christine Massey ☺️

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Not buying it. Show me the virus and prove how they move around and are transmitted.

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ad hominems and strikes- best way to keep a narrative afloat!


I'm a time-waster too! - in that I have no time to waste on spurious germ-theory narratives that have no basis in the scientific method- that is, identification of an independent variable and proper controls... let alone proof of 'contagion'

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Interesting piece of history and the harms created in these labs. Remember Obama toured these labs in the US during his tenure and was horrified by the lax safety/security and shut down G-O-F research--but not completely as he allowed ongoing research to continue!

My question is how does this information about manipulated viruses relate to Tom Cowan's research that questions the very existence of viruses which he reports have never been isolated in total so what the heck were they doing in these bioweapon labs.

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And my answer is that you have a fake substack, therefore you are a fake person, and I told you to get lost. Now do it.

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I have no substack and am not a fake person. Your comment to me is off base and makes me lose respect for you

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Meryl melting...

You could always admit you were donkeyed

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It appears to me that Meryl is one of the last few people still believing in 'viruses', unable to question anything.

The people are waking up to the lie, but Meryl stays behind. Is it financial motives, or just cognitive dissonance? Who knows..

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the reason is simple

Spent a career treating those mo fo's often with success

Has nothing to do with their existence, hence the World View implosion

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Treating symptoms has nothing to do with viruses existing and causing those symptoms.

But I see you point, of course

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You did not understand the meaning. Was simply pointing out the false belief that a natural therapeutic useful for symptoms is not evidence of virus existence.

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Let’s start with your summary headline and then quickly move on to the first paragraph of the paper …

Define “virus” Meryl.

( Perhaps you can improve upon “transmissible pathogen” . If not, that’s okay. If not, at least it will be instructive of “how” you approach understanding the subject matter and/or for that matter, how you don’t. )

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AFAIK EVEN Transmission has never been proven...Refer Drs Sam & Mark Baily et al

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It's not an impressive piece of work.

Let's look at the first "lab leak" in the first example, "British smallpox escapes":

"The first laboratory outbreak to be recognized began in March 1972, in a 23 year old laboratory assistant at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who had observed harvesting of live smallpox virus from eggs. This had been done on an open bench, as was routine, the laboratory having no isolation cabinets at that time. Before she was placed in isolation, she infected two visitors to a patient in an adjacent bed, both of whom died. They in turn infected a nurse, who survived." (p. 2)

The citation is to ref. 9: Fenner, Henderson, et al. _Smallpox and its Eradication_, WHO, 1988, https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/39485 (hereafter, "WHO report"). Unfortunately, Furmanski gave no page citation, but the events are described in the WHO report in the "The London Outbreak, 1973" section (I think that the "1972" in the preceding block quotation is a typo and should be "1973"). The key sentence: "[The laboratory assistant] had been vaccinated as a child and REVACCINATED IN 1972 but did not recall noting any reaction at the time" (pp. 1095-1096 [PDF pp. 1431-1432]).

So, how do we know that her "smallpox" was not a reaction to the smallpox vaccine? For four related reasons, I suspect that her illness was due to the vaccine (probably forced upon her due to her employment in the lab).

First, just because she didn't recall any reaction doesn't mean that she wasn't injured by it. Think of all the people who have "died suddenly" but, at the time of their Convid vaccination, had proclaimed how all they got was a sore arm.

Second, as described in the smallpox chapters in _Dissolving Illusions_, the more widespread smallpox vaccination, the more "smallpox" illness.

Third, the WHO report itself gives an example of a smallpox-like illness following vaccination: "On 24 April another case, diagnosed as variola sine eruptione, was notified in a nurse, successfully vaccinated on 4 April" (p. 1096).

Fourth, the smallpox vaccines are among the most deadly vaccines on earth, maybe even worse than the Convid vaccines, which is partly what drove the working class in England to fight off compulsory vaccination ("Scientists call it the most dangerous vaccine known to man." -- CBS News (!), https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-most-dangerous-vaccine/ )

I know its dangers from personal experience, so please forgive the following personal story. I was born in England a few years before this so-called outbreak, by which time vaccination was no longer compulsory. However, before a upcoming trip to India, my relatives there insisted that I be jabbed or I would "DIE!" Indians, especially upper-caste Indians with 5000 years of germophobia (really, classism), believe in the holy sacrament of vaccination even more than Western worshippers of TheScience(TM). One side of my family is upper caste, and they wanted to protect me from the imagined scourges of the visit to the lower-caste side of the family.

The English GP refused at first to give it to me, saying that I'm already an allergic baby and that it would be dangerous. But the relatives' insistence won out. A bad choice: I got a 105 or 106 F fever and nearly died.

Despite these reasons, the WHO report ignores the role of vaccination, except to consider it protective (a familiar dogma from our Convid era), and proclaims with certainty that the lab worker had smallpox. The claim is based on electron microscopy (EM) and "further investigation" (p. 1096). However, for EM diagnosis, the same report says the following:

"If an electron microscope was available, the examination of material from vesicles, pustules or scabs, examined by the negative staining technique, could give a rapid presumptive diagnosis of poxvirus, or sometimes herpesvirus, infection. Definitive diagnosis depended on the isolation of the causative virus on the chorioallantoic membrane of the developing chick embryo and its further characterization, if necessary, by biological tests." (p. 64)

Thus, even in their own virus-pushing view, EM cannot diagnose smallpox, only say that "it's some kind of pox." And the "isolation of the causative virus", which is probably what was meant by "further investigation" above, is no more helpful. It's just virology's Orwellian meaning of isolation, which is nothing of the sort and results instead in a witches' brew.

In summary, this outbreak is not evidence of a lab leak but of the dangers of vaccination. I'm shocked -- well, not really -- that, the author, Furmanski, doesn't consider this explanation.

But I hope that you, Meryl, are more open minded!

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As Joel Smalley restacked today about these two substacks: 🎯

"The only new evidence coming to light supports the narrative that there was no deadly virus, that any excess death only occurred in places and situations where iatrogenesis could occur and that the worst intervention was the so-called "vaccine"."

"Repeat after me! There was no deadly virus, just an epidemic of state-sponsored, media-enabled fear propaganda and lies. It was obvious to some at the time. If you are still in denial, the next one will surely get you!"

FoI: NHS Dumfries and Galloway—Zero ‘COVID’ deaths under 50 in 2020

Remarkable Freedom of Information act data.


FoI: NHS Highland data-only FOUR 'COVID' deaths in 2020

Yet more revealling Foi data from NHS Highland.


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the virus is as the 'bullet' that supposedly tagged trump's ear-


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TDS, treasonous Democrat slime. Were you there in Butler, PA? Try peddling your bullshit back in Western Pennsylvania to the faces of the grieving family and friends of the retired now dead fire chief.

Evil bastard keyboard warrior, miserable wimp.

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Have you seen this short video of a sniper behind Trump shooting in a totally different direction, away from Trump?


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That guy is a local police (because the vest says police) and he shoots in the direction of the alleged Crooked Blackrock operative.

Some people say he is SutzStaf... I mean... Secret Service, and he only happens to wear a protective vest borrowed from the police.

There is controversy because the videos may have been doctored to make the sound of the shots appear before the sniper shoots, creating the impression that he raises his head above the scope before shooting.

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Now I have and a lot of other takes, & I believe that he is the guy that had seen the supposed assassin but was told to not shoot until the assassin shot (for no good reason).

Unless you are convinced by all the subsequent video’s & interviews that POTUS DJT was really the target of an assassination attempt, by the grace of God only grazed by the bullet that was actually caught on camera, I can really add nothing more, and I have nothing more to say to you.

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What about valid scientific evidence of any virus or pathogenic bacteria - can you cite any?

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What does that have to do with the price of tea in China (or anywhere else for that matter). Off topic & will not re-engage.

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It's actually the topic of the article and you identify an as MD but whatever.

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At first I thought this article must be joking! Shows you how well the propaganda works, no? Thanks for the enlightenment.

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The bioweapon thesis, by relying on the lab leak virus thesis, weakens all legal and other cases to stop emergency measures and vaccinations. Because then it becomes a question of what is the greater danger and answers can only be subjective. The biosecurity state desires to keep lockdowns and all the emergency measures in place and/or returning regularly to forced vaccinations.

The omnipresent coverage of the Wuhan bioweapons lab, gain-of-function research, Fauci’s funding of it, is all part of the psyop. All that coverage strengthens the belief that lab leak viruses are contagious and deadly and can be made more so, preparing us for future "pandemics" and lockdowns while distracting us with talk of make-believe lab leaks “over there” from the very real Covid public health despotism and economic free fall over here.

I expect there will be further Senate hearings on this, a major circus act to get the public to believe in it. It can only strengthen the bio-security apparatus, and will have geopolitical uses, to start wars etc. It is potentially very dangerous.

Current round of USA-deep-state propaganda (China lab leak) accomplishes 4 things:

- perpetuates false idea that there was a particularly virulent pathogen;

- blames China;

- turns attention away from domestic gov assaults against people;

- cools down the massively injured public.

And reinforces the need for the global “pandemic preparedness” initiatives presently in the works. $$ and control.

The conservatives and libertarians in the USA are falling for this limited hangout big time. You don’t have to be WOKE to be stupid- but it does certainly help.

Lose the existence of SARS-CoV-2 as deadly pathogen and everything else in their narrative swirls down the toilet (where it belong)s including the fake covid-19 illness, the fake rt-PCR test, the fake reasons for lockdowns which killed the economy, the fake masks, the fake debate between whether the fake “novel virus” originated with a love match between a bat and a pangolin or the one favored by conservatives, by gain-of-function at the Wuhan Lab of fake Virology, killing people in hospitals by the thousands with Midazolam, Remdesivir and ventilators, and most of all, the need to inject billions of arms around the world with an onslaught of downloadable 100 day mRNA injections.

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Hmmm does not sound at all like you are "lost"

Quite the contrary. The turds circle the bowl awaiting the final flush

Virus as agents of infectious disease do not exist!!

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Well said. I would modify only "cools down [the massively injured public]" to "cools OUT ...": https://kieranhealy.org/blog/archives/2002/10/31/cooling-the-mark-out/

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From the pdf pp. 8 and 9

"The SARS outbreak of 2002-2003... By imposing strict (sometimes draconian) quarantines on exposed persons and isolation of patients, and even more because of good fortune and dedicated (indeed, heroic) medical personnel, it was contained and extinguished by July 2003."

This quote is an terrible lie, as proved by the next paragraph: "SARS is particularly dangerous to handle in the laboratory because there is no

vaccine, so all laboratory workers are susceptible."

SARS is a virus like no other: It's unstoppable but stoppable but it self-extinguishes but everyone is susceptible but everyone is immune because of herd immunity even twenty years later, and it was gained from the heroic draconian measures but the measures don't work and prevent herd immunity and select for more virulent variants but there are no piles of corpses anywhere and no guy with a bell yelling "bring out your dead!" and a plank made of plastic hanging from the ceiling in stores gives a heart attack to Industrial Hygienists.

It's impossible.

Viruses are a political cover story. And disease prevention should start by telling the truth.

Dr. Nass: why aren't there negative controls in viral isolation studies?

Or, if you prefer: why is it that virologists are always moving the goalposts and changing topics?

Did Virology kill the scientific method?

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this is all about genetic modification...you send out a gene sequence and tell all the virologists " see if you can find a way to edit this gene." You think these guys have ever "seen" a virus.....

Big Foot was in our back yard last night because we saw his tracks.....logic. I don't think so.

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