Each independent US State has the power, within the 'US CONSTITUTION', to avoid and override other NATIONAL US GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS and 'TREATIES' so the World Health Organization had better try another method of Contracting the World's population into their Health Treaty which is designed to ENSLAVE the World's population - …
Each independent US State has the power, within the 'US CONSTITUTION', to avoid and override other NATIONAL US GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS and 'TREATIES' so the World Health Organization had better try another method of Contracting the World's population into their Health Treaty which is designed to ENSLAVE the World's population - as planned and organised by their controllers - the WEF (New World Order)!
Next, we need to refuse ALL MEDICINES until Big Pharma are liable for ALL INJURIES and DEATHS caused by their POISONS! LIABILITY MUST be a condition of all medicines obtaining a licence to sell the crap they produce.
Never under-estimate how corrupt the states' leadership/politicians have become. Nevertheless, as many states as possible should, hopefully, follow in Louisiana's footsteps. Someone has to set the path to follow - and right now it won't be New York or California!
You are advancing the idea that it is possible to fix the cartel from within.
I see no evidence historically or otherwise that this is true.
Big P will never admit liabilities having realized the power they weild to including total control over Medical Colleges and "research". The house of cards is falling down, once a domino topples, well we know what to expect.
And those bucks are a bottomless bucket that has seemed to capture everything and everyone from our politicians and courts down to our police and local officials.
Big Pharma and the medical industry’s slogan = “There’s no profit in healthy humans”!
Based on that fact, it’s obvious they collude with bio-labs to create new, old and sometimes dormant illnesses, extending and exacerbating them for long term profits.
Big Pharma then enjoy ZERO LIABILITY?
How can this farce continue, unquestioned by our supposed governments?
Each independent US State has the power, within the 'US CONSTITUTION', to avoid and override other NATIONAL US GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS and 'TREATIES' so the World Health Organization had better try another method of Contracting the World's population into their Health Treaty which is designed to ENSLAVE the World's population - as planned and organised by their controllers - the WEF (New World Order)!
Next, we need to refuse ALL MEDICINES until Big Pharma are liable for ALL INJURIES and DEATHS caused by their POISONS! LIABILITY MUST be a condition of all medicines obtaining a licence to sell the crap they produce.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
@ Mick
Never under-estimate how corrupt the states' leadership/politicians have become. Nevertheless, as many states as possible should, hopefully, follow in Louisiana's footsteps. Someone has to set the path to follow - and right now it won't be New York or California!
You are advancing the idea that it is possible to fix the cartel from within.
I see no evidence historically or otherwise that this is true.
Big P will never admit liabilities having realized the power they weild to including total control over Medical Colleges and "research". The house of cards is falling down, once a domino topples, well we know what to expect.
If enough of us (you) abstain from their meds they might capitulate or disappear into history? Mick.
The "truth" is, their making big bucks, needed to grease palms with!
And those bucks are a bottomless bucket that has seemed to capture everything and everyone from our politicians and courts down to our police and local officials.
Yes, money & power is the mother’s milk, for Godless narcissists, ’playing god!
Big Pharma and the medical industry’s slogan = “There’s no profit in healthy humans”!
Based on that fact, it’s obvious they collude with bio-labs to create new, old and sometimes dormant illnesses, extending and exacerbating them for long term profits.
Big Pharma then enjoy ZERO LIABILITY?
How can this farce continue, unquestioned by our supposed governments?
Mick from Hooe (UK)
Unjabbed to live longer!
Well said!