Each independent US State has the power, within the 'US CONSTITUTION', to avoid and override other NATIONAL US GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS and 'TREATIES' so the World Health Organization had better try another method of Contracting the World's population into their Health Treaty which is designed to ENSLAVE the World's population - as planned and organised by their controllers - the WEF (New World Order)!

Next, we need to refuse ALL MEDICINES until Big Pharma are liable for ALL INJURIES and DEATHS caused by their POISONS! LIABILITY MUST be a condition of all medicines obtaining a licence to sell the crap they produce.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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@ Mick

Never under-estimate how corrupt the states' leadership/politicians have become. Nevertheless, as many states as possible should, hopefully, follow in Louisiana's footsteps. Someone has to set the path to follow - and right now it won't be New York or California!

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You are advancing the idea that it is possible to fix the cartel from within.

I see no evidence historically or otherwise that this is true.

Big P will never admit liabilities having realized the power they weild to including total control over Medical Colleges and "research". The house of cards is falling down, once a domino topples, well we know what to expect.

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If enough of us (you) abstain from their meds they might capitulate or disappear into history? Mick.

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The "truth" is, their making big bucks, needed to grease palms with!

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And those bucks are a bottomless bucket that has seemed to capture everything and everyone from our politicians and courts down to our police and local officials.

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Yes, money & power is the mother’s milk, for Godless narcissists, ’playing god!

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Big Pharma and the medical industry’s slogan = “There’s no profit in healthy humans”!

Based on that fact, it’s obvious they collude with bio-labs to create new, old and sometimes dormant illnesses, extending and exacerbating them for long term profits.

Big Pharma then enjoy ZERO LIABILITY?

How can this farce continue, unquestioned by our supposed governments?

Mick from Hooe (UK)

Unjabbed to live longer!

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“I don’t know what you mean by “glory”,’ Alice said.

           ‘Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. ‘Of course you don’t–till I tell you. I meant “there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!”’

           ‘But “glory” doesn’t mean “a nice knock-down argument”, Alice objected.

           ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean–neither more nor less.’

           ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean different things–that’s all.’

           ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master–that’s all’

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

I think I'd better go back and read Alice In Wonderland - the original!

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Through the Looking Glass

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One thing most people think is the Queen and King are the masters , but the Ace out ranks them , because the Ace is the banker to the crown

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Happy to see Louisiana took a step in the right direction!

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Huge thanks are due to Dr Nass.

How does she find the energy day after day to follow all this, fight it effectively AND bring us the news we will never get from the damnable MSM?

A real tour de force. A CHAMPION.

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This is perhaps your most important post, not to minimize the other extensive contributions.

We are Sovereigns living in a Constitutional Republic. We are not "citizens" living under maritime law. More and more of us Real Eyes this...

Feds over States is what we have been taught. This is a think again point.

The Bidenista's have other ideas and they are tanking.

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Here is an article I had published here in a Tennessee conservative news article about the Supremacy act. Feel free to share. Nothing more needs to be said. There are ZERO clauses in the Constitution (Supremacy, General Welfare, Commerce, Necessary and Proper etc.) that overrides the Constitution. AND the federal government including the Supreme Court is NOT the final arbiter of what is or is not constitutional. If that were the case there would have been no need for Art. 1 Sec. 8, 9 or 10. The states and the people of the states are the final arbiter folks. Case law and precedent override the Constitution only when WE THE PEOPLE allow it to do so. Stand up. Take back the rights in your state. We are doing just that in Tennessee. SHARE FAR AND WIDE and join Tennessee to learn how its done. tncss.substack.com


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I am not an attorney, and that helps in being able to think clearly. I first read the U.S. Constitution a few decades ago, together with the Federalist papers (and some anti-Federalist writings), and I wrote a summary of my thoughts in a short article, which should be a clear refutation of the idea that our Federal Government can enter into a treaty to place us under any form of global government without our consent and without following the constitutional process for treaties (or so-called executive agreements): (https://sites.pitt.edu/~tpiccone/Political/Treaties%20and%20the%20Constitution%2010-95.pdf)

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Were you a member of the Bar cartel it would diminish your capabilites from indoctrination as you mention.

The Feds will do anything having been taken over by the commies. One compromised person at a time, most commonly sexual deviance and or pedo.

We are fighting to take it back using that US document you reference.

We need Lawful remedy.

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Thank you for that excellent and very important link!

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Just something that I did a long time ago in my spare time. I was well aware of some of the New World Order stuff already at that time.

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This is the first time I feel hopeful in years. Tears flowing!!

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I would suggest that you not place too much hope in the future of humanity in the present age. Although it is possible that some aspects will improve temporarily, it is certain that we are in for some difficult times. However, if you are familiar with the saying "I have read the end of the Book, and we win," there is always hope, even in the midst of tribulation.

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Extremely important article! States' rights and the U.S. Constitution laid the solid foundation for U.S. sovereignty and the founding fathers had the wisdom and foresight to make that clear and untouchable even under Federal governance; we now live in the dark age where federal and most governments want total control without the consent of the people at any state or local level; this is dictated as imperative if a one world globalist order is to be established and why the WHO health treaties and One World health schemes must be stopped; and that will never happen through government leaders or Congress but only through the will of the people, not only in America but throughout the world; it is precisely these constitutional arguments that the group "Interest of Justice" is using in Costa Rica to fight the WHO and to reinstate informed consent as an inalienable right guaranteed in law.

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Yes, that's an option helping communities and also an option that can harm communities. It is an important strategy. However, people will be moving from state to state because Medical Freedom is not protected everywhere. That is a good reason to add a medical freedom amendment to the United States Constitution. Here is an older version of the MFA which includes some history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RltNUFEiWM and the new longer version includes recent developments and information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-h2K-8HUvU

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My television was tuned to 1stTV when Jesse Kelly's Covid 2024: The Reckoning came on; that was worth watching and I appreciated your segment and the others that appeared. Really great to see you on TV. You're doing great work for us all.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for this! It gives me encouragement. I’ll have to find out if our great Tennessee governor has signed anything like this yet.

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He hasn't. Louisiana was the first - of many, I hope!

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Well, we already know the Left’s lawyers are just waiting for the courts to open to open tomorrow.

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Yes especially in Lansing .

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What case(s) has been scheduled in Lansing?

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I am support Mike Lee , one of our senators who is totally aware...and is working to get Utah out of the UN. The UN is taking a huge amount of taxpayer monies ...one third of its budget...from the U.S. This goes entirely against our Constitution....sending taxpayer money to foreign organizations and foreign countries.

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We can only hope! How can we stop them from putting nanotechnology in our blood?

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

States can nullify Federal law that violates the constitution. They don't need approval from any court to do so. All State officials swear an oath to the constitution, not a constitution that has been fake-amended by tons of unconstitutional Court decisions and unconstitutional Federal laws. The question has always been what are they willing to sacrifice if push comes to shove after nullification? It's the same question all non-compliers must answer for themselves if it comes down to non-compliance at the individual level.

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Exactly. And even non-compliance will fail unless we have sufficient numbers.

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Thank you Meryl for supplying us with so much valuable, useable ammunition. I just shot off letters and copies of 2 of your excellent articles reflecting Louisiana’s bold bill to our Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Texas Governor Greg Abbott asking them to adopt a similar Bill for Texas. If Louisiana can do it, so can we. I also sent emails and would encourage all your followers to do the same. We need to speak out and time is running out.

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