It’s a step in the right direction. It’s multiple states rather than just one. And the WHO are not elected officials! They should have no bearing on policy in the United States.

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This should be times one million likes.

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Money talks, freedom (for us) walks.

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By chance is there a url to this AG petition that I could use to forward to my Senators, Congressman and State AG?? I would love to get NC on that list.

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Hi Meryl! I am reading on another Substack that this document was filed and was denied with no appeal filed. Is that true? It does say 2022 at the bottom. It appears that Louisiana had a success today on this same issue but still has several levels to go before it is formally approved for the state. Can you help me understand your excitement with this document? Thank you!!

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I did elsewhere

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This is an IMAGE; are text of PDF files available? - I need to use acrobat reader to be able to listen to the article

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I was able to copy and paste the text of...and using the correct url below, you may be able to do the same copy and paste. I copied most of the text in to my MSWord application on my computer... This substack program cuts off comments are too long so I will have to go back and keep cutting off the text of the petition until Substack accepts and posts my comment here now.

Also this is a petition at this time of 3-28-2024 to the US government from several states and though it sounds like strong wording, we have no information what the next steps are in actually getting this to be made U S law AND individual STATE laws.






applicability of their health and safety laws against unlawful preemption by the actions of Federal


9. The federal statute and regulations also permit the federal government to encroach on

State property and detain State personnel in a public health emergency situation. Petitioners seek to

protect their property and personnel against unlawful action by federal officials.

10. The statute and regulations for public health emergencies also potentially permit the

federal government to encroach on the property or person of Petitioner States’ citizens.

11. Petitioners seek to protect their quasi-sovereign interest in the health and well-being

of their residents against unlawfully intrusive action by federal officials. See Alfred L. Snapp & Son, Inc.

v. Puerto Rico, ex rel., Barez, 458 U.S. 592, 607 (1982).


I. HHS should amend its rules because the existing definition of public health

emergency exceeds HHS’s authority.

12. All federal agencies, including HHS, are forbidden from delegating their decisions to

foreign nations or international organizations absent express provision by Congress. Here, there is

no treaty or international agreement that calls for or requires delegation like this. Even if there were

such a treaty, Congress would need to implement such a treaty. Because Congress has not authorized

delegating declarations of public health emergencies to the WHO, HHS has exceeded its authority

by promulgating rules that make just such a delegation." cut


Resume Copy command...

"37. Considering the WHO’s politically captured status and its inability to produce reliable

information because of its subordination to China, it should not be trusted when finding or denying

7 https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/transcripts/who-audio-emergencies-


8 https://www.cfr.org/blog/who-and-china-dereliction-duty

9 https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/if/if11822


public health emergencies. It will be no less motivated by politics when finding those emergencies

than when denying them. Accordingly, whatever merit reliance on the WHO held in 2017, HHS’s

definition of a public health emergency should not defer to WHO determinations now.

III. HHS should amend its rules because it has already conceded it does not intend to

use these unlawful rules.

38. Regardless of whether HHS agrees or disagrees with Parts I-II of this Petition, it

should repeal the definitions identified as problematic in this Petition because it has previously

admitted it does not intend to use those regulations. In the Federal Register notice issuing the

definition of public health emergency, HHS indicated that it would make independent decisions

regarding public health emergencies. 82 Fed. Reg. 6890, 6906. Those independent decisions would

continue to be cognizable under definitions (1) and (2) were this Petition granted. Accordingly, HHS

would suffer no harm from granting the petition.

39. The only potential reason to retain unlawful rules that HHS does not believe it needs

is to permit a future HHS to change its mind in later years. Under definitions (1) and (2), HHS would

be constrained to rely on its independent judgment regardless of whether any future Secretary wanted

to defer decisions to the WHO during a crisis. By including the additional definitions deferring to

the WHO, HHS is facilitating complete deferral to the WHO in the future even if it professes no

intent to defer to WHO now.

40. HHS’s decision to include definitions of public health emergency that serve no

foreseeable purpose was an arbitrary and capricious decision because there is no explanation or

rationale for those definitions. Because, if we believe its protestations in the Federal Register, the

existing HHS does not believe it needs definitions (3), (4), and (5) to manage public health

emergencies, it should repeal them as unnecessary even if it does not want to address the legality

issues and WHO concerns raised in Parts I-II of this Petition.


Request for Action

41. The Petitioner States request that HHS amend 42 C.F.R. § 70.1 by deleting definitions

(3), (4), and (5) of public health emergency in that rule.

Dated July 18, 2022

Respectfully Submitted,


Oklahoma Attorney General



Alabama Attorney General


Arizona Attorney General


Arkansas Attorney General


Florida Attorney General


Georgia Attorney General


Indiana Attorney General


Louisiana Attorney General


Mississippi Attorney General


Missouri Attorney General


Montana Attorney General


Nebraska Attorney General


South Carolina Attorney General


Texas Attorney General


Utah Attorney Genera

re 42 C.F.R. § 70.1"

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Ditto for NH.

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They voted down a similar bill by a handful of votes, may take up a similar bill soon,contact your reps/sens

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I will share this with Truth Social & X

Thank you so much Meryl for being a Digital Warrior like Q & General Mike Flynn have been saying that we need in America 🇺🇸

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Have you seen Mike Gill and Pandora’s box and what he has to say about Flynn?

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They will regret denying you your license to practice medicine because you are becoming a badass attorney. Hit them where it hurts Meryl.

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I' m quite sure they are having second thoughts, like poking the hornets nest to see what happens.

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Going into business with the organizations you are tasked with regulating. Not glamorous or violent like the old mafia, but the way higher body count attests to our error.

Defund all regulatory agencies. If the employees stay on the job anyway, either indict them or give them a medal. Bill Gates is our new Godfather.

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Wow! I love our Oklahoma AG and all the others who signed! They are on the ball and they don’t miss a beat!

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Question is: exactly what ball are they on?

The real ball?

Or the one they have been given to play around with?

Not a pessimist and not trying to block out the sun to prevent global warming!

Just saying, we have to be sure we are playing the real game, on the real playing field, with the real ball.

Sun Tzu - know your enemy.

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Well, you know, people's lives are at stake, most particularly the vulnerable, the poor, the elderly, and the developing world's lives, so I think pragmatically. There are no doubt layers of machinations and hidden agendas and organizations, but a limited hangout is nonetheless a hangout, and even a bit of the truth can save lives. I can't help but have a creepy feeling about all the urgency to get this in place. Like in Independence Day when one of the characters finds a countdown signal hidden in the transmissions between the alien ships. Hurl the wooden shoes into the machinery I say! (although that turns out to be legend, supposedly)

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Agree 100% Cynthia!

Everyone should do everything they can.

I know people who can only hope and pray - do it!

Every little bit helps!

One person can throw the spanner in the works that stops the machine.

Everyone is unique and has a unique contribution to make.

Some see things one way, others another, and act accordingly.

We need to be sure to direct our fire at the enemy, not each other.

I am just saying, that we need to beware of distractions, that might engage our resources in actions that are not likely to be productive.

We all have different views and perspectives informing our choices.

We just need to keep an eye on the horizon, stay alert and try to inform each other.

We shall overcome.

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I agree they’re in a hurry.

Partly because they want countries to cede sovereignty before citizens find out what’s going on.

And partly because they’re making LOTS of new artificial mRNA shots & they want to get governments to start paying for them asap with MANY MORE billions of OUR money.

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Exactly, and Moody, who signed for Florida was just given a writ of Mandamus along with DeSantis by Joe Sansone to stop the shots in her state and she did not stop them. They may be stuck between the people and the powers and trying to walk that fine line.

It seems to be well worded but it’s just for show if they don’t care enough to see it all the way through.

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"They may be stuck between the people and the powers and trying to walk that fine line."

This is exactly their predicament.

"It seems to be well worded but it’s just for show if they don’t care enough to see it all the way through."

Not that they do not care enough - they just cannot go through with it, because they know that going ahead might be too costly, personally and otherwise.

Rightly or wrongly, they may think they are acting to protect themselves and us too.

Regardless, the path forward is highly likely to be blocked.

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After HHS refused the AG petition in October 2022, Texas and Oklahoma filed a federal case in January 2023.

The federal judge dismissed the case by order dated Aug. 18, 2023.

PDF links to the case documents below.

Bailiwick reporting and analysis:

Oct. 17, 2023 - https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/texas-and-oklahoma-v-us-department

Oct. 18, 2023 - https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/there-is-never-going-to-be-another

"One reason why the Texas federal judge dismissed the petitioner states' case against Xavier Becerra and the Department of Health and Human Services is that the judge didn't think the states presented any evidence of actual harm, concrete injury or threatened imminent injury to the people living in the states.

HHS argued, and the judge agreed, that the harm from the WHO-based definitions of "public health emergency" were speculative, hypothetical, conjectural, and therefore the states lacked standing.

Soon, the next "deadly global pandemic" performance will begin.

If and when state AGs file new cases to protect state residents from “public health emergency”-predicated arrest, detention, torture and murder, it will be very important that they incorporate the information that has so painfully been brought into the light these last few years.

They must lay out the evidence that "deadly global pandemic" stories are fiction.

They must incorporate the facts about the injuries and deaths caused in each state by use of products known as "Covid-19 vaccines" under Emergency Use Authorization status: the actual harms and concrete injuries.

They must lay out how deployment of EUA products, as covert biochemical weapons, is directly connected to HHS declarations that a "public health emergency exists."

And they must lay out how HHS declarations that a "public health emergency exists" are directly connected to all five of the legal definitions inserted into American regulatory law through the January 19, 2017 edition of the Federal Register, and connected to the whole system of treaties and laws built to enable State-sponsored mass murder, which grows more ripe for dismantling with every passing day."








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Meryl, if you have a Mac you can often press the "command key" and hit the "+ key" to enlarge the screen multiple times.

BTW, love all the work you have been doing. Also, have been keeping tabs on your licensesure sic case from the very beginning and wish you the best. You sure have your green thumb in a lot of raised beds, kicking up a lot of dirt!

God be with you and all of us in these perilous yet still exciting times. Even more exciting since Robert introduced his well accomplished running mate. RFK, Jr for POTUS. Let's right the ship!

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I’m very disappointed in his VP pick. She is a self proclaimed progressive through and through.

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Progressive, IMO, is perfectly fine. RFK is progressive yet has multiple traditional values. Nicole Shanahan is progressive yet unlike most billionaires is willing to share her knowledge and wealth for the betterment of the world much like Jesus advocated & not horde for personal gain. We need leaders with high intellect that haven’t been bought, who can think clearly, intelligently and especially wisely & have compassion for all people. In the current zeitgeist or milieu most so-called progressives were pro-vaccine, anti-logic & science; this needs to be countered by 2 progressives who knew better and are willing to listen & explore what’s true not what’s fed to them by corrupt institutions, media and most uneducated politicians. Politicians who have risen thru the ranks due to sociopathic, self-serving & probably maladaptive childhoods. Additionally, this country needs someone intelligent, honest, committed to the country & its people and not just their coteries, someone who thinks clearly and can formulate original thoughts based on personal life experiences, sometimes tragic, with empathy fired in the furnace of these melding conditions leading to a weltanschauung that's creative, restorative, inclusive and protective of all life and the environment. Being progressive, conservative or anything between or outside of is really one of the lowest denominators by which to judge anyone or their actions. RFK & NS for POTUS & VPOTUS ... may The Force be with them!

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The US has a Reservation to IHR

“The Government of the United States of America reserves the right to assume obligations under these Regulations in a manner consistent with its fundamental principles of federalism.

With respect to obligations concerning the development, strengthening, and maintenance of the core capacity requirements set forth in Annex I, these Regulations shall be implemented by the Federal Government or the state governments, as appropriate and in accordance with our Constitution, to the extent that the implementation of these obligations comes under the legal jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

To the extent that such obligations come under the legal jurisdiction of the state governments, the Federal Government shall bring such obligations with a favorable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate state authorities.”


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If it's a PDF, open it in Adobe Acrobat and then export....from the top nav menu:

File > Export a PDF > Image > PNG

from there the PNG settings should default to 300 dpi but you can check before hitting the ok - export

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I don't know what the various State governments will do in the end. But I think a least a minority of them may nullify the insane "laws." That seems like good news, and it may be. But when I think of what the radical leftists in the press and the governments are willing to do to stoke up riots, etc, to try to intimidate our side, I can't help but wonder if it will give the Federal government the opportunity to attempt some kind of crack-down and take away even MORE freedoms. Because the real problem is how divided the American people are.

But maybe even many of the democrats who have been voting into power the worst of the insanity (Democrats are now not only tyrannical, but as war-mongering as Lindsay Graham!) will finally wake up and help us. We'll need to clean house in the government if we can survive the coming show-down. The snakes won't give up until they have to.

Lest any Democrat reading this think I like the Republican party, know that I think the Republican party is, in its own way, more despicable than the Democrat party. At least the Democrats stab you in the chest and not in the back. They warn you RIGHT UP FRONT (if you have ears to hear) of the insanity they're going to ram down your throat.

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No doubt Jeff! I've thought for many years that at least the left openly tells us they are going to give it to us hard without a kiss, flowers, or lube. The so-called "right" sneaks their tyranny in after giving us a roofie.

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LOL. So sadly true!

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Mar 28
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Yeah, if you're informed of their tactics, you can't respect them at all. They're shameless.

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It should, but I doubt it will. My state is Communist and will have no interest in this. In my sovereign world, WHO is DOA. There should be 35-40 state AGs on the list. Then I would get excited.

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The most contentious thorn in the sides of TPTB are jurisdictions, countries or states here in the U.S., that can and do make their own laws, laws that restrict their ability to simply get what they want without pushback. Let's hope the people who voted for this do not experience any negative consequences; these people are ruthless when they don't get what they want.

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14 sane people out of 50. We have a ways to go.... Heaven help us.

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I love it! I hope it is successful and other states get on board.

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Meryl, according to Sasha Latypova this petition was abandoned by the AGs (missed deadline) which she translates to mean they effectively agree with the HHS that the WHO has authority. Thoughts?

Link to Sasha's comment: https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/note/c-52697868

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