In January, 2021, as the Pfizer shot was being rolled out, reports to VAERS were already leaping 50x higher than they had been for the previous many years. I don't use the word "spiking" because that implies that the rate would rise and swiftly fall again. No, the reports to VAERS rocketed up and stayed up for 2 years. In what universe does FDA ignore a signal like this?

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First they produce and release a bio weapon. Then they mandate an even deadlier substance that is guaranteed to protect you from the first, but kills and maims in unprecedented volume.

Now based on this rip snorting proof of their genocidal intent, they launch a full up gas lighting psy-op that amounts to empty your pockets, trying to regain health. Then when you are broke, kill yourself with an overdose, before we do you in for non compliance.

All on our dime, without an ounce of all the lovely sentiment that literally drips from their mission statements.

Problem is the court sessions will never end as reading the victim impact statements will last decades.

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And they are all in on it NATO WHO DOD UN EU ...ETC.

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Seems doubtful that they produced anything and the whole lab leak was misdirection. A. They still can't produce a physical sample of the contagion and B. What happened to the regular Flu that at kills at least 30k people every single year in this country? As Reiner Fuellmich stated "The vaccine was not brought in for covid, covid was brought in for the vaccine." Thank you.

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Sorry have lost all patience with the no such thing as a virus meme. Start polite and respectful and then insulting as hell towards our wonderful host, Dr. Meryl Nass.


If you do not have the inclination to read and understand the above link then kindly crawl back under your rock and rot.

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Your surely sure of yourself. Just like all those espousing "safe and effective" and the reason why we can't have an honest debate "I am the science". Please explain Dr. Yeadons views and why all this was handled through military contractors. I am perfectly aware of Ms. Nass' qualifications.


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I got fired from a great job from not having the death injections. WHO knows what game you are up to, but it smells like centuries old divide and conquer.

You did and will not read my offering, so I will respond accordingly. Dr. Nass believes in free speech and although it is instructive to allow your nonsense to get aired out here, don't expect me to cooperate.

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Blind 'faith' in the so called experts is what got us here in the first place. Looking back over a hundred and twenty years of Rockefeller Medicine backed by Rockefeller Science lead by Rockefeller Education one must question that which has been put forth because it is convenient and supports the narrative. Inform yourself. There are many good publications out there not the least of which is Forrest Maready's "The Moth in the Iron Lung". No disrespect toward Ms. Nass was intended, but if the past four years have proven anything, it is how easily the "experts" can be tricked.

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Citing the CDC "evidence" is like getting Jack the Ripper to provide medical advice and citing any major medical journals is like asking the Son of Sam to give a second opinion. Early on, I recall a story how Health Services of India was told by Fauci to cease and desist investigating the 'pathogen', that no further investigation was necessary, the science had already been done.

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So yeah comparing Dr. Nass to Fauci. You cherry picking, out of context, gutless, shit for brains.

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So you still can't address the evidence and just resort to name calling. Did you even read her 'evidence' or are you just parroting what they tell you to?

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Thank You, Josh.

"Safe & Effective, safe & effective, safe & effective..."

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I guess in one of treachery and deceit

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Thank you Dr. Nass. As usual, you present the facts for us to absorb. You are a national treasure; actually a treasure for al of humanity.

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I bet the shredders and bleach bit hard drive erasers are in use 24/7 till someone stops them.

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Hello from Belgium.

⚠️ Perhaps everyone should keep quiet for another few weeks until that Biden is no longer in a position to actually pardon those psych0paths??

Alllllllll I want to see is justice in my country, yours and everywhere else they carried out their genocide. And I want to see LOTS of rolling heads

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I agree and Trump should keep quiet about his plans too. It just makes Biden and his handlers worse.

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I bet the orders for extra shredders went up accordingly! Overtime as well! Mick (UK).

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Dec 9Edited
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Please stop spamming. Put the meat of your proposition into your comment and use an achievable URL so that people can find it again in future if the short link is altered.

Also to look less like a TROLL put some skin in the game and use a unique identifier. Even if it is a fake name at least it shows you are prepared to create a false identity to spam other peoples comment sections.

Nobody wants to look at your claims because they are presented in such a repulsive manner.

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Who were you referring to ?

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The poster of the removed comment above that seems to have irritated the stack author enough to remove.

There is a systematic form of trolling that occurs on substack where troll posts a trackable short URL that promotes some agenda. I think the agenda will be fringe, may be a psy-op or could simply be used to harvest uncritical people details for future targeting.

At any rate a real concerned person would reply with the missing details or an explanation for their suspicious activity yet they never do.

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The Pfizer clinical trials used a low-volume, expensive process to produce small quantities of the "vaccine". When the "vaccine" went into production, they substituted a cheaper high-volume process, and this process is responsible for the SV40 residue that makes the shots so much more dangerous.

This, too, is a violation of FDA protocol. The product that they license is manufactured by a specific process. Change the production and you need a new clinical trial.

(McKernan and Weinstein point this out https://rumble.com/v5kmokd-shots-in-the-dark-kevin-mckernan-on-darkhorse.html)

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Pharmaceutical companies were not legally bound to any FDA protocols or manufacturing standards because the PREP ACT nullified any and all standards when the HHS secretary declared a national health emergency. It’s all in the bill. And no one involved can legally be held responsible for any harms. I think they are hiding it simply to keep people believing in the system, not to protect themselves legally. That’s my take on it anyway.

They need the public to believe in the institutions in order for the people to stay compliant and go along with whatever junk science they present moving forward. I still have a friend urging people to get the Covid vaccine publicly as of yesterday.

Most people have figured out the Covid “vaccine” doesn’t work and aren’t getting boosters but they still are under the illusion that there is some sort of ‘good manufacturing’ standards being followed, even though they clearly are not.

About a week ago, a friend told me he wasn’t getting any more Covid shots but that if he ever has children, he will be having them completely vaccinated in accordance with the childhood schedule because he believes they are important. Imagine the cognitive dissonance that stance takes. I tried to patiently inform him of how the system works but he didn’t want to hear much of it after I explained how the hep B shot got on the infant schedule.

This, in my opinion, is why they are working so hard to hide what has happened. It’s not about responsibility or having their hand slapped as much as continuing the illusion.

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Yes, they have many layers of protection, deniability, pardons, cut-outs, shredders, secrecy, corrupt judiciary and all the rest. The minions have been blackmailed and lied to that they will be safe and protected as long as they follow the plan and until there is a real break in the ranks they keep covering for each other, often in total and blissful ignorance of the magnitude of the deception and crime.

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Among the layers of protection is the fact that they are backed by virtually unlimited funds thanks to the 'legal" counterfeiting operations of the money wizards.

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Yes, in this you are very correct.

Occasionally I dream of what I would do if I had a Million dollars or a Billion. I like to think that I could put it to good use of humanity in very short order but It would be hard work, yet I see precious few philanthropists living with modest means and investing their wealth wisely. An exception may be an Indian fellow who managed to make a lot of money selling mineral water I think it was. Have not heard about him in 5-8 years but perhaps he is operating 50 orphanages somewhere.

However in the present climate of propaganda and manipulation I believe that if the Health resistance movement had the same unlimited amount of funds available we would have turned this and all previous globalists scams around within 6 months of them being discovered.

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Well said Brandy. Cowardice and self deception everywhere permit rampant lawlessness and abuse by criminals in suits and ties.

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Exactly. In NZ you'd only have to tweak a slight design change on a damper on a wood burning stove and you'd have to complete another consent process because of issues with safety. How in gods earth did they get away with all this?

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We have been asleep at the wheel.

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There were voices of dissent but they were too few and the machinery use to sideline them was working full time and remarkably effectively.

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Lotsa practice too!

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It was just history repeating itself from a past, reformulated, rushed into production WW1 Fort Myers vaccine, in Fort Myers Kansas, patient zero for the 50 million kill, miss names Spanish Flu!

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The legal defense is: "we were just fulfilling a Pentagon contract and fully complied".


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This is very illuminating. Thank you Dr. Nass.

Very helpful step in the long road before us to a more profound understanding of how this outrageous & unimaginable crime against humanity was orchestrated….

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I would suggest that FDA and CDC acted like people who were under threat of bodily harm. These people dug a hole only explained by some unseen but very real pressure to do certain things that even they knew were wrong. Someone was threatening these people and some of them got out. When the facts don't explain a thing and the evil done by mostly normal people, the explanation is always much worse than we think.

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I agree, some were under threat, some were paid off and some are just EVIL and part of the EVIL empire and were put there long ago to always do harm and follow orders. Yoy can start with Bill gates, and work your way up and down..

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wee murderous war criminal Admiral Fauci should be denied parole for AZT.

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More likely it was dollars before threat. Carrot-Stick.

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It was threat, coercion, greed, ideology, ignorance, family, fear and any other strong emotion.

Epstein Island and Diddys Parties were used to indoctrinate, tempt, entrap, introduce and induct people into the system. All methods and means were used each according to the victims own most tractable weakness.

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Maybe so but they still seemed perfectly willing to go along with it

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Just human nature.

Look at the last 4 years.

95% of everyone in the health sector nodded their heads in tune with the safe and effective governments lyrics.

When in fact they should have been the very people, trained in science & medicine that should have been the first to be waving their flags, not the last...

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Thank you for clarifying in such detail Dr Nass. This needs to be exposed.

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My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That the doctors think the medical freedom movement is for the freedom to practice medicine.

While the rest of us are shouting “It’s the medicine”, central to your profession, that is killing everyone.



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"We will then be a step closer to learning Who Rules America."

This has been revealed for at least a century and was discussed openly in the media of those times. Names like LaFollette and Lindbergh are just two of legions. The bulk of them met untimely extinctions or were cancelled into oblivion after being mocked relentlessly or silenced by various other "creative" means.

Note the date and the words, "international bankers."

“DAVID LLOYD GEORGE, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, as quoted in the New York American of June 24, 1924: ‘The international bankers dictated the Dawes reparation settlement. . . . They swept statesmen, politicians and journalists to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees’."

As quoted in

Who Are Our Rulers?

by Don Bell

The American Mercury, September 1960, pp. 135-140


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Excellent summary. Note that this (culpability of government agents and officials) does not indemnify company executives who ordered their employees to take the mRNA shots to remain paid employees. At the time, I worked for such a company and I watched in horror as many of my coworkers submitted to the mandate and took the shots. I had been reading about the side effects you noted above, and, as you mentioned, it was also widely known at the time that the shots didn't prevent transmission (the FDA and CDC were still claiming that the shots reduced severity of the disease, which they knew at the time was a lie, as well). The company executives implemented the mandate immediately after Biden made his infamous public announcement, and then rescinded it at the end of December (about seven weeks later - enough time for those who submitted to the mandate to get their second shots if they were still alive). Their original craven statement to all employees was that the company had to comply with the federal mandate in order to receive federal contracts. At that time, federal contracts were not a major part of the company's business. But, even if government contracts were a major part of the company's business, it would not justify violating the bodily integrity of its employees to keep the taxpayer funds flowing into the company.

In my opinion (and that of many others), if a single employee was injured or killed from the shots, these executives were accessories to assault and/or murder, no different than if they had committed armed robbery and injured or killed bystanders or the victims. These executives were paid millions of dollars per year; many of them had a net worth in the tens- or hundreds-of-millions of dollars at the time and could have either refused the mandate or resigned from their positions in protest to stop the madness. And anyone foolish enough to take their positions and commence with the mandate would be doing so with full knowledge of the impending liability because it would have been impossible to hide it after the public announcement of the departing CEOs. These cowards pushed their responsibility to refuse the illegal government mandate of an experimental medical product - a responsibility for which they were paid millions of dollars to assume! - onto employees with comparatively miniscule resources and no public voice to defend themselves. Many of them have since retired with pensions and/or gigantic retirement pay-outs that will afford them luxurious lifestyles until the end of their days. They, as well as the corrupt government officials who enforced the mandate, need to be held accountable to those they injured or killed.

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Arrest them all for Crimes Against Humanity with murdering over 30 million people worldwide and countless other millions with lifetime injuries & ailments that have led to deaths!!

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Sounds like just the right time for a pre-emptive pardon from Pappa Joe to protect them from a Trump-RFK witch-hunt as msm would put it. Our government and its officials in both their private and public deeds have been so blatantly and flagrantly criminal without shame, embarrassment or repercussions that it would be very surprising to see a significant change. Trump & friends want to ban anti-Zionist protests on campus (and elsewhere) and label the groups that organize the anti-Zionist protests as terrorist organizations with profound repercussions for all who participate or support financially (even with a small donation) that could make the Deep-State entrapment PSY-OP of J6 look like a walk in the park.

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I wouldn’t depend on Trump/ Kennedy- they recently held a meeting with pharma execs in Mar a Lago to discuss how song this platform to treat cancer. That would be the turbo cancers this vaccine caused. When Trump signed with Pfizer in late 2019, they donated $ million dollars to his reelection campaign.

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Until they are in power we do not know. By their actions we will know them.

Because it is not clear what they will do we cannot say either way yet but a week in office and we should have a clear idea if we were royally played or if there is a sliver of hope.

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I want to file a lawsuit against FDA for multiple reasons. I live all the attorneys have sold out!

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They knew they were putting out death jabs and they were in a hurry to do so knowing transmission would not be halted. Was the motivation purely financial? In a rush to kill everyone?

They used military cover for the EUA and barred Ivermectin (actually telling pharmacists not to make it available) to keep EUA active! That is a crime against humanity and needs to be prosecuted! I want to know who made that call?

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Your Point 4, Doctor Nass, is the key. The prior CDC Director formed in 2015 a Core Expert Working Group (CEGW) at CDC's Office of Accidental Injury Prevention, who crafted the "2016 Opioid

Prescribing Guidelines", which the VA and 37 States made into law. On the basis of the 2016 Guidelines, administering codeine cough syrup to treat a bronchitis or pneumonia cough at home, was pretended to pose an immediate threat of lifelong opioid addiction. (The fact that codeine had worked safely for 210 years previously was somehow ignored to reach this conclusion).

The Opiophobia on which the 2016 Guideline rested, gave not one but two arguanly transmissible conditions for the Comirnaty EUA: Even if transmission took place after Comirnaty injection, IF the severity of the cough was diminished below the necessity to control it with codeine, arguably Comirnaty prevented the viral transmission of a complication, namely opioid addiction.

In testimony I gave to a hearing called in 2018 on the CDC 2016 Opioid Prescribing Guidelines, chaired by DHS Medical Director Prof Vanila Singh, MD, I demonstrated clear violations of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1948 by CDC, firstly in how the CEGW were selected, who was excluded from participating in its meetings, and what relevant facts already known to the Government were deliberately ignored by the CEGW to reach its conclusions.

The intent of Congress in the 1948 Act was to outlaw awarding of repetitious contracts that re-studied known science and the issuance of regulations via selection of information that benefitted a regulated entity's claims and/or excluding information that disproved such claims. 13 years later in his Farewell Address, Eisenhower warned the public and the incoming Kennedy Administration, that giving federal contractors too much power to classify information, ran contrary to the Administrative Procedures Act by enabling a federal contractor to conceal misfeasance or malfeasance by declaring it an official secret...and RFKs memoirs about his uncle John in the Bay of Pigs fiasco reveals that a war with Cuba got planned without either Ike or JFK's approval and started, and the officials who illegally started it came to JFK for permission to launch an air strike against Cuba after ground forces were already engaged, on no orders from anyone with authority to give them.

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I wrote 3 long articles exploring the opioid epidemic in the US in 2015-2017, which began at the start of the Obama administration. The US had only 2,000 heroin OD deaths/year in 2006. We are now over 100,000 heroin/fentanyl deaths/year in the US. The Taliban in 2000 banned opium production in Afghanistan. This is probably one reason we made war on them. We then underwrote the roads and wells needed to expand production.

Here is the 3d of my 3 articles:


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My testimony is at http://t.co/pzVCtYWkeu

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An excellent summary, and to answer your end question; It is most likely the same person(s) telling/allowing Biden to pre-emptively pardon Fauci. That says a lot in itself.

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