Stop going to the hospitals to have babies delivered and deliver them at home in a water bath with a midwife in attendance. Stop going to a pediatrician or hospital with your baby! (unless it's an emergency you can't handle). If they want to force shots of any kind, walk out and find another doctor.

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Or better yet do not consult with allopathic physicians.

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Unless, of course you can get in to see the good doctor here or someone like her, but they are certainly few and far between

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Of course there are exceptions as in all things. In general avoidance is the first sane response. Better yet to find options when emergency care is needed. There are many other knowledgeable healing professions far better suited working for our greater good.

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As tough as this advice is, this honestly would appear to be the most rational thing to do.

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Nothing tough about it! Women have been giving birth for millions of years. Problems during childbirth didn't start until 10,000 to 12,000 years ago with the advent of grain-based agriculture and the severe skeletal deformities that subsequently developed. See Dr. Weston Price's work to understand what happened. It was the nutrient deficiencies and mineral imbalances causing abnormal NARROWING of the dental arches, facial structure, AND PELVIC girdle, that made giving birth long and difficult, and not infrequently, fatal. But THIS IS NOT NORMAL! There should be absolutely no problen with women giving birth with minimal assistance.

Hospitals are inherently dangerous places, and not just because of the chance of contracting an infection! DOCTORS themselves have become DANGEROUS!!!! (And should we even mention the mass murder committed by hospitals during COVID????)

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Yes. If any “grain ain’t food comment” leaves you corn-fused just listen to Dr. William Davis, MD / retired cardiologist on You-Screwed Tube educate you anew. Or just READ his book “Wheat Belly.” I’m convinced AND feeling MUCH BETTER !

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I honestly do not remember wheat being a problem until the advent of the widespread use of RoundUp and glyphosate on grains and now other crops such as garbanzo and other beans. These arrogant motherfckrz are out to KILL the Earth that has always fed us. Their convenience is worth more than their very lives.

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Also GMO is a big problem. If I eat ancient un tampered with grains like organic Einkorn, I have no belly problems.

If I eat GMO wheat, well, you know how that ends.

I believe GMO is part of the culling plan to reduce life span of the peasants.

It’s farcical that Gates of Hell Jnr is storing seeds in a seed bank while simultaneously involved in investing in Monsanto.

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You are correct but fail to mention hybridizing the gluten content for increase in # per acre which happened at roughly the same time to conflate the issue... As you point out the real agenda is to snuff us...

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Oh, oh-kaaaay, so, let's see... so besides knowing exactly the chemical composition of all the crap it's being sprayed with, everybody today is somehow "supposed" to automatically know the entire history of exactly how the so-called wheat we have been eating has been modified over the years, hmm? And you're here to point out how I "failed to mention" that... like, it's common knowledge.. EVERYONE KNOWS!!!... yeah... s-u-u-u-r-e... like, I KNOW, but I WITHHELD THE FACTS... yeah... (s-u-)r-r-r-r-r-r....

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Yes. Good book, along with others in the same vein: Grain Brain, etc.

Contrary to outdated medical/dietary beliefs (gee . . . what an idea!), wheat is toxic to all humans, because of the wheat germ agglutinin if not the hundreds of mutated gliadin proteins. It opens up the small intestine's "tight junctions" and causes Leaky Gut Syndrome and thus allows infiltration by toxic lipopolysaccharides from bacteria. Not good!

And of course all that starch doesn't help metabolic syndrome issues, Candida overgrowth, etc.

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pure fantasy, wheat is not toxic to all humans otherwise we would not be here! Increase in gluten and presence of glyphosate destroys digestion or at least impairs it, with the weed killer causing malignancy.

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Also doctor Osborne on YouTube has good information about dangers of consuming grains. I think his book is called Grain Brain.

I suggest people go to this website and learn from a man named Patrick Jordan.


The information he shares is not for the faint of heart. The premise of his work is that all vaccines are a bio weapon designed to kill.

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It is tough when you have an actual emergency and have to think twice if they’ll even save you or your child. We literally have to lie if we go to the ER and I say my kids are up to date. They don’t bat an eye at that!

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Well I meant tough given what most people have come to think of as normal.

Yes we should always mention the mass murder.

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My youngest granddaughter was born in Feb, she told them beforehand, no shots of any kind. No one looked at her like she was insane and her pediatrician hasn’t pressured her.

Something I didn’t know was they give newborns vitamin K injections (along with Hep B.) She told them no to that as well and they gave her vitamin K liquid. I’ll bet the price difference runs into the 100’s of dollars per newborn.

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They don't need it. Unless for a specific instance ...of lack of blood clotting?

This is Big Pharma hack $$$$$$

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Apparently they give it to all newborns now. Jesus..HELP!

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Wonder if BHates put mRNA in it to Genetically Modify everyone like he is trying to do!

How does he get away with all this crap/murder !? Anyone of us would be arrested on the spot! A rich person cannot be bad?

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Rich persons pay off or blackmail others. Goes with the territory. Most of the wealthy's kids get brainwashed in secret societies like Skull and Bones. They are programmed to believe that they are better than everybody else, us "commoners", the "Little People". Of course, in the grand scheme of things, THOSE people are the ones who are barely even human. More like Satanic puppets. Zombies. Most of them gave up their humanity and connection to God a long time ago! Case in point: Yuval Noah Harari! We can only hope he hurries up and "uploads his consciousness" into some AI computer cloud. And dies. Good riddance! I'm sure he will be quite shocked to find out what happens to him next!

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He’s a sociopathic nightmare.

The things that spill out of him are beyond darkness and hate.

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Exactly. I've only ever been recommended it to halt haemorrhaging.

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Good for your granddaughter!

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I am about to have a baby and I have big doubts with vitK. I don't know which one is worse: injection or ingested liquid. I am considering nothing.

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Shasta, Steve Kirsch had a great substack & he has commented on Vitamin K & says skip it. Check him out, also The Vaccine Friendly Plan book by Dr. PAUL THOMAS & JENNIFER MARGULIS.

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Do nothing!

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Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby!

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My last 2 born at home did not need it. Vitamin k the shot had a black box warning meaning it can cause instant death

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We finally used oral. I wanted nothing but I am not the only parent. Curiosity, is vitamin D recommended for newborns until they reach one year in the USA? I guess so, American authorities don’t say no to any medicine

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Do not go to the doctor's. They don't want to lose the license so they follow the orders from their superiors. Their superiors go all the way to the organization called w h o. They are not your friends. Please go to this website and study up on what vaccines are all about. And be ready for some cognitive dissonance because the information you will find there are going to shock you. It's not for the faint of heart that's for sure. The premise of Patrick Jordan's research is that all vaccines are a bioweapon designed to injure, cause disease. And eventually cause premature death of the recipient.

the website


The owner of that website is named Patrick Jordan. He's been researching vaccines for 30 years. He wrote over a dozen books each with references and anywhere from 3 to 700 pages long. There's no need to order these books because he has some pamphlets and PDFs which will also give you some insight. He also has a YouTube channel. Please check it out. For the sake of your health and your baby's health. I implore you to do this. Your baby's health is at stake. May you have an easy birth and may your child and you be healthy. Thank you for reading this.

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Thanks for the reference. I will read.

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You are very welcome shasta. The information given by Patrick Jordan is not a weekend reading. It'll take you year to go over his material but like I said the gist of his material is the fact that vaccines are very toxic and will damage our cells even our dna. That is very scary. When you realize how deadly that vaccines are you will fight tooth and nail not to get that job into yourself or your loved ones or later on you're innocent baby. The murders in white coats called doctors are very clever and very well trained in putting the fear of God in you about not being vaccinated. Nothing and I mean nothing could be further from the truth. What has been happening in the last 3 years around us regarding the covid vaccine one should really pause and think. There were other pandemics before covid like H1N1, sars, mrsa, swine flu, virtue etc. When people get sick with an infection the natural immune system will take care of business. I'm not a doctor so I'm not giving health advice. Remember that. Everybody has to do their own homework. Everybody's responsible for their life and shouldn't go run to somebody who they blindly Trust without doing due diligence. Thanks for replying and thanks for reading my message. Take care

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I’ll also bet that if she got her medical records she’d see they did more than she agreed to. When they act so cool and calm about it they are planning to do what they want as soon as you turn your head with your baby smh

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You are correct and she was lucky to remain unscathed in her childbirth convictions.

You are also right about costs, and we can add injecting newborn trains the parents to be accepting of injections, which most are

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Aug 5, 2023
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Why is it so common that people simply discussing something like a vaccine, pros and cons. or an injection or a treatment - are consistently, and I mean like a Swiss clock - met with angry, bitter, venomous azshole responses like this one.

Next time just state your opinion and leave your shittude off the keyboard.

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Stop taking all pre-2023 proven vaccines that have not been historically proven extremely effective and SAFE or were not in use before 2000. The rest are 'FOR PROFIT' and could be Depopulation tools from makers that incur NO LIABILITY for injuries & DEATHS that follow the jabs.

'No LIABILITY' = Say no more!

Mick from Hooe (UK) (78 and unjabbed to live longer)

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But what if they have been changed recently?

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This is true tho I had my second baby in a hospital and they actually stole her while we slept. We refused the shots. They brought her back crying and a leg poke!! I had to obtain her medical records to find out the actual truth!! Babies aren’t safe!! Never again having my baby in a hospital! How dare them?! They could have killed my baby! I didn’t even flat out refuse I said we were going to take her to her pediatrician to do them(lie). My next babies born at home and will stay healthy without any jabs smh

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Oh Sapphire, I am so sorry about the baby. That hospital should be up on charges. On a different subject, check out Montana sapphires. They are extra beautiful.

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In my humble opinion all doctors are compromised. They don't want to lose the license which would be the same as losing their livelihood. So they will kill innocent babies for money. That makes them murderers. This cabal that's been running the world for the past 6,000 years is Waging War against humanity. All vaccines ever created have been a bio weapon designed to depopulate. They are committing genocide. Doctors give orders and that's a military term. The Surgeon General is another military term. The healthcare industry is the Health kill industry and it is a military operation. If anybody doubts this then they need to get their heads out of you know what.

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Yep. In my new state, I haven't even found a regular doctor to go to and won't.

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We Americans so need to take back control of our health and that of our families.

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I wonder if we could get an injunction against use of this product (the goal is to start using it in October) on the basis that there is evidence of more deaths and no evidence it saves lives?

Would some reps care? Can states refuse to cover it under Medicaid?

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Meryl, If you haven't yet make sure to read Sapphire's comment from today, 9/26/23. That hospital should be turned in.

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It’s not about saving lives! It’s about maximizing the profitability of creating vaccines of marginalized value! The real answer is top notch prenatal care which trumps the injection of 72 vaccines in a child’s life! Ooops .. no money made by prevention!

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"Marginal" value.

All infectious diseases were in major decline well before the advent of nearly all of the childhood vaccines. And the smallpox vaccinations already were a failure and public health disaster — they didn't work and killed a lot of people, including children. UNvaccinated children are many times (as in multiple times) healthier than the vaxxed kids. Hands down, no comparison!

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How would a parent keep this away from their infant if they give birth in a hospital? The mother cannot have physical possession of her newborn 24/7 after the moment of birth. Can it be refused and what would the parents have to do to ensure it is not given?

This is a dystopian nightmare.

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You bring a piece of paper with you to the hospital that instructs on no monoclonals, or Hep B shots, or whatever you don't want. You require a nurse to show you it has been entered into the electronic medical record. You can actually get stickers or little kiddie tattoos to put on the baby.

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I'm not sure that would matter. Hundreds (probably thousands) of hospital patients with covid told the staff they did not want remdesivir & even had it entered into their electronic medical records. They were given it anyway. Better to stay out of the hospital altogether. Use the services of flccc.com for covid & a non-allopathic doctor for anything else. Unless, of course, you are able to find a doctor who actually does have your best interests at heart, such as Dr. Nass. Sadly, many have been treated like Dr. Nass when they attempted to save lives during covid. The federal government made sure, either by omission or by commission, that whatever or whomever was helpful, was disparaged, banned, dismissed, or censored. Even the makers of XLEAR (a xylitol nasal product) & similar products were instructed not to share their studies with the public which clearly showed that xylitol kept viral material from adhering to the nasal mucosal tissues. These studies are still available at the XLEAR site. They also never informed anyone of the need & importance of a protective vitamin D level, which according to Dr. Mercola, is between 60-80 ng/ml. There is so much that was damaging & downright deadly that our federal health officials & agencies promoted & so much that was helpful that they suppressed, that I would not trust them to care for my goldfish, let alone my child.

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Yes they do, the last hospital my DIL used, everything was done in the room and newborns don’t go to the nursery at all. Have a friend that a neonatal nurse and she said no newborns are in the nursery except those that are born with serious problems.

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Have you read a comment posted by Skupe above?

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I had possession of both my children 24/7 after birth in hospital. 2003 and 2010. Why do you think it's impossible? Only impossible if the mother has no friends or family. My children never left my sight. I even had a friend come hold baby while I took a nap. It is definitely possible to keep your eyes on your infant at all times in the hospital.

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Brilliant analysis of a horrific tale. These people must know exactly what they are doing, the FCA board must all be guilty of murdering babies, again. There is not enough money in the world to make me kill babies, they do it for a few thousand greasy bucks.

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Sure, some do it for money (and most of us know which group is money-obsessed). But some do it for their sick pleasure alone.

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These people are evil and have no regard for human life. It’s all about money!

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Yes, on the surface, that's what it is about, but there is a VERY dark undercurrent of evil which, to anyone's compass points to the taboo of ever harming innocent babies, unborn as well. This has been Satan's extreme pleasure, because it causes such grief to all of heaven, and to the instincts of humanity which is Christ's Creation. Satan's day is coming rapidly, where he will be forced to endure such extreme pain and suffering that we cannot imagine. Then, afterward, he will be burned alive and disintegrate into ash before all of saved humanity! Praise the Lord for His Justice!


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If it were all the 8000 richest who are doing this, I'd be all for that. They need to burn to atone for the suffering they have caused and destruction to ALL of humanity and our future. Sadly they are so much in love with their beliefs they can't be rehabilitated. Hence the lake of fire for them.. as the Bible has predicted and as has be prophesied

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Dear Meryl,

You are such an intelligent, medically educated, experienced MD and psychologically positive & sweet soul.

But can you see that it’s NOT “INSANE” if that these “things going on” IS their INTENT (for Agenda 2030) to eliminate BILLIONS of populations here on ‘their’ “Elite’$ Earth” ! ?

Damn ! I wish the word “elite” wasn’t being used to hide CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATHS demonstrating INTENTS to profiteer while surfing on humanity’s “waves to the graves.”

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Hi Ralph: This is a great article on Global Research.ca Website called "Climate Change Crime - Depopulation In The Name of Human Rights" by Peter Koenig. It sums it up beautifully.


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Thank you, Patricia. Will do.

Meanwhile, you may find this interesting.

MOST of NASA’s version$ of ‘cosmology’ are lie$ over lies.


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Thank you, Ralph!

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More like E-leeches.

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They can never back off until they can't get money for any of these "products".

Removing the blanket liability waiver would make this unprofitable, and would allow discovery in the ensuing lawsuits.


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It's not about the money. Although it's a nice perk. This Matrix we live in has been design and implemented over a period of 6,000 years. These Psychopaths running this show make us pay for our own demise. But they're true intent is to kill. History is replayed with all sorts of cults where animals and humans are being sacrificed. All vaccines have been nothing less than a murder weapon We live in hell.

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This is absolutely awful and continues the immoral poisoning of children by the vaccine religious zealots.

Even adult COVID patients and their doctors were reckless in using MABs, when much safer COVID treatments were being used successfully all over the world.

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Hi Dr Huber - I posted this as a separate comment. Thoughts?

A question: how will this monoclonal antibody RSV "product" impact the babies who already got RSV vaccine exposure via their pregnant mothers getting the RSV vaccine. The babies didn't fare well in that trial. The women not so much either.


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What will it take for arrests and prosecutions of these witch doctors? Seriously!

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I don’t trust “arrests and prosecutions”. Sorry...it’s CLOWN WORLD.

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Renee, Then what is your alternative to get them out of our lives and defeat their capacity to do harm? I share you concern about the CRIMINAL justice system however.

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I don’t know Jon. I think many people have a few ideas.😉

I think the Cabal MAY “sacrifice” a few for the election. I honestly don’t know what they have up their sleeves.

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Thanks for your reply Renee. Consider the option of the late USSR--break the empire into small pieces. Put secession on the table for consideration, not by raising an army, of course, but by disengaging from the many puppet stings, like the impending digital currency and inventing our own, just to start. I suspect they will engineer a conviction for Trump which will disqualify him (not that I would vote for him, but many who despise Biden would do so). The entire system is BRITTLE--hard but fragile.

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Now, Jon, I focus on God. He doesn’t lie, cheat or steal elections! Lol! God bless you brother.

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My daughter has an 8.5-month-old and adheres to the CDC vaccine schedule.

The topic of vaccines is too explosive to discuss so I wrote her two e-mails and one letter. The brain washing is so complete. The subject of vaccines is so verboten it's impossible to genuinely share information without rancor. I live three hours away and have seen the baby twice. The CDC has not released new statistics regarding chronic disease in children since 2006. Why? I'm guessing the number would be closer to 70 percent. Chronic disease has gone from 6 percent in 1960 to 54 percent in 2006. Why are people resistant to this information?

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Because they WANT to believe the WHO/CDC/FDA/local federal government/ doctors are doing what is best for them and their children. They can't live in a world where this isn't so. I know it's difficult but subtly and bit by bit continue to share information with your daughter. Believe me I know how difficult this is. But going into the future you will be able to say that you tried❤️

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Thank you. I will continue. I will send another e-mail a month before the next round of shots. In the past, I spotlighted the particular vaccine the baby will be receiving next. The e-mail I sent 2 months before the birth was what would be given on Day One, the Hep. B and the K shot. I really appreciate the Children's Health Defense and their search engine for finding the exact info I need. I did voice my concern, because my oldest other daughter born in 1981 ended up with cerebellar ataxia. I shared that info and info of a family friend's daughter who is very intelligent along with her husband yet have two autistic children. I'm just not sure what to say anymore. I don't have a degree, but I did see you can buy a white lab coat on Amazon for $20.00. :) A good resource I found for sharing with resistant children is the podbean, Moms Off The Record, which were interviewed on Dr. Paul Thomas's show, With The Wind a few weeks ago.

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The Chronic disease explosion is due to the fact that all vaccines are a bio weapon. The entire Medical industry is not a healthcare industry but a health kill industry. Doctors give orders. That's a military term. A doctor has more power on the ship than the captain. The Surgeon General is another military term. Why? Because the medical/healthcare system is a military operation with one purpose and one purpose only i- to cause disease and eventually kill. I think that the controllers, whoever they might be, are Waging War against humanity. With all the evidence of the damage being caused by vaccines isn't this obvious? I believe that the the various pathogens like viruses in the vaccines are causing various brain damage and that's why people are acting either like zombies, or raging maniacs. The difference in Behavior in people is determined by which part of the brain that's being affected. We are not privy to all the research that's being done because it's kept secret. I believe that all the microwave towers are used to send signals to affect the change in the viruses that are injected into us and they in turn will control our behavior in various ways. In in fact in nature there are examples where an organism when infected by a parasite it takes over and will control the behavior of the infected organism. This is what's happening to us humans too. We are being genetically modified by the modern vaccines. The evil inflicted on humans is saw horrific that most people are not capable of even imagining it in their wildest nightmares.

I have absolutely no doubt that the psychopaths in control of this Matrix that we live in are Waging War upon Humanity. We live in hell.

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"4 million babies are born yearly in the US. 20,000 die in their first year. RSV kills 0.125% of them."

It is meaningless to contrast the number of infant deaths from RSV with total number of infant deaths. This is like correlating deaths from car crashes with deaths from some infection. The only figure that counts when considering prevention for RSV IS RSV deaths, which is a miniscule 0.000625% of infants each year! And they want to risk killing a whole bunch of babies for an infection that kills 0.000625%??? Are they NUTS? Well, yes. Of course they are!

Plus, if babies had adequate vitamin D, and were given high-dose intravenous vitamin C upon diagnosis, they probably wouldn't lose ANY of them!!!!!

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Aug 5, 2023
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It sounds as though you understand very little about vaccines. Or the effect of flooding the body with a high amount of antibodies. They are not harmless.

What makes you think that there is some cohort for which the risk is worth it? And are you psychic? Can you accurately predict which baby will be harmed and which will not? What if it is YOUR infant that unnecessarily dies of SIDS a few hours post getting a vaccination? Or sustains permanent neurological damage, like Autusm? The science of immunology is still quite primitive and more surprises emerge all the time. Antibodies don't just harmlessly float around. They form immune complexes and cause damage. And they can attack tissues that posess similar proteins to epitopes of the target virus (or other pathogens), causing an inflammatory autoimmune response.

The only rational course of action is prevention, and then to give adequate early treatment if an infant becomes infected and gets into trouble. These respiratory infections are highly treatable, and the resulting immunity is superior to anything artificially messed with.

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I am out of words for this big pharma madness and FDA corruption!

'There is already resistance in RSV strains to this product, and so as it gets used, the resistant strains will outperform the susceptible ones, and the RSV ecology is likely to change'

Oh goody a possible drug resistant RSV. Just what we need!

On top of this news there is this news coming from the UK where Moderna is asking for kids to take part in a trial for which Moderna booster works best for kids.


According to 3 laws there it is illegal for any company to run trials on kids when there is no benefit.

What’s next…everyone has to take chemotherapy just in case they get cancer some time in their life? Will drug companies ever have to do long term studies again or is everything just going to rushed to market and the hell with safety? Isn’t that what they have been doing anyway? Remember how hard it was to get Vioxx off the market? Even though it had killed over a hundred thousand people!

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I immediately noticed that SIDS, (VAXX-caused) was very high on the list! :-(

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'an imbalance in deaths'... what in the actual f*** are these people thinking? I would like someone to ask them if they would give it to their OWN child or grandchild.

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