They had to plead the fifth or be found guilty of 1) perjury if/when they lied, or 2) admitting they lied to humanity to advance the BIG Lie. Their silence is an admission of guilt. Nuremberg time?

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Yes and for many many people. There is only one way of justice. Justice does not have a financial fine nor jail time. There is only one punishment that fits the crime against humanity that they all participate in.

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True Story!

Albeit, but I would venture to predict that not a single middle finger will be held up in defiance to the God of Justice, on the Great Day of Judgement. What a day that will be! He who sustains all life, and created all life, and all that life depends on for its existence, will not be trifled with on that day of terror for the wicked.

But for the faithful and obedient, however, it will be a glorious day indeed, though indescribably awesome in power and divine glory wherein ALL of heaven will come down for the GRAND occasion; the Savior of course leading the way!

We should all dwell more on these positive things for to give us the hope in such times.


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Declined? How is this optional?

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My thought exactly. That's got to change.

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They can’t tell the truth. At best they will take the 5th or pull a Fauci and say they have no recollection sir.

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Rules for me but not for thee Unbelievable it just further Ree forces the offensive duplicity and never ending clown world this administration encourages and enjoys!

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Got 'em on the run!

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Who do they think they are?

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Anybody declining to testify should IMMEDIATELY

- quit,

- go home straight away and

- retire for good but

- WITHOUT a tax-payer-funded pension !!!

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Judgement must be swift and decidedly fair. ("Just") The wholesale killing of people and babies does not call for a "Quit, go home, take your blood money and enjoy your life." These monsters need to be poisoned with the very same compounds that they injected others with. And that should be allowed to be administered by those who have been ill-effected or have lost loved ones. Since "safe and effective" prevails, a half dozen more boosters to follow the first one, and no letting them go. All must be interred in an enclosed outdoor, and guarded camp until they DIE, after which they get to feed the microbes with their dead and stinking corpses; all buried in a mass burial trench with a Cat. D-9 Dozer. No fanfare, no markings no nothing, just the memories of the victims for us to recall the treachery done to mankind.

This scenario is reminiscent of how things will actually be, come Judgement Day. God is not going to relegate "souls" to an eternal torture, and leave them to haunt the saved with their cries of "INJUSTICE" and screams of pain and misery. His intention is to provide everyone with the "Means" of eternal life, but those who do wickedly and are non-repentant, will in the end, be facing the reality of eternal nothingness, after being punished according to their deeds done in the flesh. They will be........"As though they never were." Good riddance I say!



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On the other issue, “editors” declining to be present… there is an age old adage… actions speak louder then words. All of these individuals are only adding fuel to their own fire. With every action they look more and more suspect and only garner more mistrust in the populist. While this will go un-noticed by the population at large, the people represented by those bringing these hearings will know what is happening. So as upsetting that this is, the actions of these people will get into the Public Square. Drip Drip Drip… until the dam bursts wide open.

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Apr 16Liked by Meryl Nass

30 dem members of Maine legislators walked out when you received commendation???? So in order to be a good Democrat you have to protest a doctor who tried to treat an illness with safe medicines, otherwise you might as well be a Trumper? This is shameful. The allegiance to party lines is INSANE. I will be speaking to the legislators I know.

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Mainstream illiberal media (NPR / New Yuck Slimes / CNN, et. al) is a helluva drug!

I suppose it is good to know that party democrats in Maine are nearly lock-step in destroying our country and society and in their condoning of medical murder. The clarity of knowing who the enemy really is in our state is quite helpful... and will be especially so if civil conflict proves to be our only remedy against tyranny.

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Subpoena them. Stop asking, requesting, inviting.

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Many scientists & Drs such knew what was going on & warned the officials, the politicians & the public . They were all censured , accused of conspiracies & ridiculed but they were all right . These criminals ALSO KNEW what was going on but they’re morally corrupt, mentally unfit , bribed or blackmailed . They knew

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Meryl Nass

I missed the news that 30 legislators walked out when you got a commendation. I guess we can write them off. Still, you got a commendation, something I've never received.

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Follow the money. Gov et al. are criminal entities who care not for the people. Let's come together and rid ourselves of the looters and killers of people.

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We’re ruled by a global MAFIA.

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And we the people flip the bird to lancets promotion of the virus lie 🖕

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Dr Nass, perhaps I missed your post on this, but can you provide a link to what happened in the Maine legislature to you. Thank you.

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Apr 16Liked by Meryl Nass

Sorry for jumping in, she's busy so here it is: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/i-received-two-official-communications

I didn't know yet about the democrats walking out.

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Thank you Herman. Will do a bit of gigging. I do not live in Maine, but surly would like to know who the 30 are… and who contributes to their elections and re-elections.

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The Legislative Council for the state of Maine.

That agency can be called or sent a text message from their online email facility.

They should be able to provide you with attendance at Committee hearings / meetings and that would be the names you are looking for. It should help a little if you identify yourself as a citizen resident of Maine.

They have all the records regarding any state legislation , bills, and all the different committees and their hearings and meetings and show how legislation is progressing or outcomes and should be able to email you links if the info you are seeking must be obtained from another state agency.

So anyone should be able themselves to get the names, party affiliation, and district numbers.

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I hope Meryl will list their names for those of us who DO live in Maine

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