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Thank you for your kind comments, Big E. I do not consider myself particularly eloquent, but I am passionate about the diverse ways we have all been deceived for many decades. Though most would just write me off as a nutjob, I spend a great deal of time frustrated that I cannot simply stand on my rooftop and declare the truth to the world - whether it be about the plan of globalist elites that is well underway or the misguided failings of conventional medicine (which is largely controlled by Big Pharma). It helps to know there is a resistance, an underground, fighting the agenda of the globalist cabal that seeks to enslave those of us they do not exterminate. It is an exhausting struggle to work among people who should know better, but instead obediently follow the chosen narrative. I'm surprised my vehicle hasn't been vandalized yet with all the stickers of George Orwell quotes I have displayed! I am proud to fight alongside everyone of you.

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I'm with you on all of this, as are many people here. You do underestimate your power, however. Keep poking through the mass formation. It's not easy, and you won't convince everyone. But you don't have to. Breaking the mass formation is a numbers game. https://rumble.com/vo0dwu-mass-psychosis-how-an-entire-population-becomes-mentally-ill.html

Talk as calmly as possible. Ask kind questions of the doubters (I'm just now learning to do that). One tactic I plan to try is to ask whether a person would buy untested, unsafe cars that don't work, drive off cliffs, and have manufacturers that cannot be sued. I end by asking if you wouldn't buy such a car, why would you inject yourself or a loved one with an unsafe, untested, no-liability product for a disease you can treat?

Good luck! There was a resistance during the great world wars of the last century, and there's one now. I hope we can win the war we are in now. It's not a shooting war (it's a shotting war :-) 💉💉

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Excellent advice, I thank you. When talking to such people, it can be very difficult to not have that frustration bleed through. Also anger - not toward them so much, but because of what is happening.

There are those who are so stubbornly blind and it can be easy to forget it's not entirely them, it's the psyops. It wasn't so long ago that I was rather blind myself after choosing for some years to ignore what I knew about the extreme left bias of legacy media and the lies told to advance specific agendas. I did not get news from those sources, but neither did I seek truth. Since my teen years I have been certain of the existence of a shadow cabal, known throughout history by a variety of names, bent on consolidating their power and wealth via a One World Government. Life is so full of stress and acknowledging frightening things - things that make you feel powerless - just increases that stress. I have had tremendous challenges in my life, including PTSD, so I chose the way of the ostrich. I must remind myself that there are so many others in much the same position, though perhaps for different reasons.

Of course, alienating those who are still asleep defeats the entire purpose of having such conversations in the first place. This is not a battle that is quickly won, and kind words are always more effective no matter what the situation at hand. We humans have tremendous capacity for denial and mass formation psychosis is a fascinating and all-too-real phenomenon. To see it play out here and now just as it did in Germany nearly 100 years ago is chilling. Human history has ever been a cautionary tale, which is, of course, why it was necessary for the evildoers to subvert education and revise history.

I greatly appreciate the dialogue, and I like your analogy about the cars - I may borrow that for my own use!

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We may be kindred spirits (but you write better). Here's my car comparison titled "Unsafe at Any Speed?" I will send it soon, but would appreciate your feedback if you have time...

"Unsafe at Any Speed?"

🚘 Would you buy, drive, or let your kids ride in a car whose manufacturer:

1. Made cars that were mandated and paid for by the government?

2. Did NO initial safety tests on crash dummies and NO long-term safety or build-quality tests?

3. Hid data and lied about substandard parts and negative safety outcomes?

4. Repeatedly made cars that were recalled or fined for safety and production violations?

5. Made cars that didn’t work but had to be bought repeatedly — even though they didn’t work?

6. Funded and was widely endorsed by media as producing high-quality, safe, and desirable cars?

7. Suppressed anyone who complained about faulty cars or publicized better alternatives?

8. Could not be sued if their faulty cars injured or killed you?

9. Sold cars with side effects such as:

-- Driving off cliffs without warning?

-- Crashing unexpectedly into walls, trees, and houses?

-- Steering unexpectedly into oncoming traffic?

-- Emitting toxic fumes?

-- Leaving you stranded on the side of the road?

💉 If the answer to any of these questions about cars is NO (or even HECK NO!), why would you let yourself or loved ones be injected with shots that are untested, unsafe, and unnecessary for a highly treatable disease? Just asking!

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Leithian I admire your bravery and self respect for leaving rather than acquiescing. We know relatives and friends who went ahead despite knowing all the dangers because they wanted to ‘protect their pensions’. But then one particular relative also went along with placing DNARs on patients in the ICU and administering heavy sedative medications to ‘make patients comfortable’. We tried to push her to whistleblow but her pension is more important then saving lives.

I couldn’t do the same but she’s sadly not the only one. There are documentaries out there that have noted that the nurses were the most enthusiastic implementers of the T4 Programme.

In Britain they have followed the target populations for elimination as was the case for the T4 Programme.

Tbh I find it difficult to get along with those that went along.

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I like it! Very well done. (Kindred spirits are rare and thus that much more delightful to discover. =) I confess to being a word nerd who was taught to read at 4 years of age and whose most prized possession in high school was her Roget's Thesaurus.)

A couple of small suggestions:

First, make each itemized point present tense, e.g., makes, does, hides, etc.

Second, restructure and expand numbers 6 and 7 for clearer meaning. I suggest:

6. Funds mainstream media and is endorsed by them as producing high-quality, safe and desirable cars?

7. Censors, slanders and discredits anyone who complains about product defects and/or publicizes safer, higher-quality alternatives?

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