These studies could just be more cloaked lies...like the rest of the viral narrative....lie after lie, etc.

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I guess I missed a memo. Has the Bird Flu jumped to humans? Or is this just fear mongering?

That this is a "three-party project...initiated between the United States, the UK, and China" shows that its a project dear to the transnational deep state, whose efforts at "serial passage" are meant to convince us they are not serial liars, and serial killers too.

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Beaking New!! Worst fears realized! The bird flu that fled the nest to take flight through dog populations globally, now dubbed “AVI=BARK 21,” has mutated further to leave the kennel and take a walkies through human populations.

Top dog at China’s Canine Avian Disease Control, Dr. Woo-f-ang Falcon, has confirmed ground zero to be a corner shop in the sleepy French town of Dormir-Plume-Chien-Bois, nestled in the iconic Whine region of Birdgogne. This area is renowned the world over for its Cabernet Sauvig-nest, Beakaujolais, Pigeonot Noir, and Zinfandeagle varietals.

Mr. Fei Lang, a 33-year-old from Woo-f-han, China and his French wife Chiennette- Roitelet were honeymooning there when Fei Lang fell ill after drinking a bottle of Avian mineral water from local shop “Le Chien Plume.” He was con-furmed to be positive for the new variant, christened H1K9-Sapiens by (P)ug (C)row (R)etriever at 92 cycle fetc-hold.

When a reporter from the Beakzos owned New Yap Times insisted on evidence for the starling claim that AVI-BARK 21 had leapt species barriers to humans, Dr. Woo-f-ang deftly referenced the initial sequencing of the Avian water bottle, Fei Lang had lapped up. De Novahawk sequencing revealed evidence of a man-made Gain of Fiction lab-rador leak. Inside the bottle of Avian, on a tiny slither of paper, waterproofed by lamination with the thinnest plastic film ever seen, a new genome was printed.

Next-Gen Terrier sequencing feather con-furmed the man-made nature of this hybrid bug. The plastic traced back to a factory in Dogodz, Poland, the paper sourced from a mill in H-owl-inna, Finland, and the genome was invented with the aid of software from Microsoft Offsprey 365 - the only place where all members of the health freedom movement can unanimously agree that viruses truly exist in pure, rabid, self-replicating Gain of Fido form. An Epsowl printer physically imprinted the genome.

Experts from the Whippet Hound Organization advise consulting with healthcare professionals for anyone exhibiting unusual signs. Mild symptoms of H1K9-Sapien include:

Head Beat-Bobbing: Moving heads back and forth in a quick, rhythmic manner like chickens, when listening to music on (M) utt (P) eck 3 players.

Fetching Frenzy: Fetching this and that for the missus as she howls out incessant errands, disturbing comfy perch time on sofas for husbands about to enjoy the footy on TV. Many consider this to be a terminal case of long H1K9-Sapiens.

Beak discounts: Pecking the price tags off expensive brand items in a bid to leave exclusive stores with premium products for free.

Paws for thought: Compulsive scratching behind ears with hands, often in mid-conversation.

Slobber sickness: Involuntarily drooling at the sight and smell of food, booze, and super cars.

Long H1K9-Sapiens is far more serious and has resulted in relationship difficulties, and sadly sometimes injury and even death. Disturbing signs include:

Sniff and Greet Syndrome: Greeting friends and strangers alike by enthusiastically sniffing their hands or, more embarrassingly, their behinds.

Guard Dog Glare: Staring down and growling in a menacing manner, anyone who comes near partner.

Avian Ballet: the coordinated movements of people in bus/train queues, changing positions rapidly in line, mimicking the flocking behaviours of birds in flight. Fights can break out when buses and trains pull in as passengers dispute their original place in the queue.

80‘s Style Plume Perms: Frequent trips to expensive hair salons to get perms shaped like chicken crests.

V-FORMATION DRIVES: Car owners of the same make and model have been observed driving in V-formation down busy transport arteries, shouting up at migratory geese to slow down. Motorway pile ups have become the norm. In addition, reports have been flying into police stations about vehicles driving off cliffs in a desperate bid to follow migratory birds.

Perhaps the most disturbing sign of Long H1K9-Sapiens is:

Male Mating Madness: Women across the globe have taken to Twitter to voice their concerns about bizarre new behaviours from their partners during intimate moments. Prior to the most intimate act, men are reportedly engaging in elaborate mating dances, hopping and spinning around in circles in a futile attempt to impress. Female frustrations are further exacerbated by their partners’ insistence on doggy style exclusively.

While some women might tolerate these peculiarities, many are disturbed by their partners flapping of arms, chicken wing style during the act, with everything concluding in just over 2 and a half flaps. Adding to the surreal experience, rumours have flocked to Twitter of men howling like wolves at the peak of climax, followed by crazed cock-a-doodle-doos. The spectacle ends with them lying on their backs, limbs splayed, and demanding belly rubs for comfort.

This bizarre hybrid virus, blending avian and canine traits, poses unprecedented challenges as it spreads across species boundaries, leaving health officials and researchers, scrambling to understand its implications.

So, ladies and gentlemen, keep those tails wagging and noses twitching for all the latest pup-dates. And remember, try not to get in a flap, when all around are barking mad! From all the pack at Canine News Network, have an awesome evening and stay paws-itive!

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A true work of art!

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don't be afraid to say 'are'...

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Yeah, Viroliegy is BS!!

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I think it's time for the cows to develop their own "vaccines" and start injecting "experts" who have far more time on their hands than smarts. That's a mandate I could live with. Get a mooove on.

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Well, obviously, the sure-fire way to guarantee that vaccines are safe & effective is to test them rigorously on everyone who stands to make a cent from their sale & distribution: everyone in the vax co., politicians, everyone at the NIH, CDC, FDA, all public health officials, hospital personnel & boards of directors, etc., together with their entire families, BEFORE the product is released to the public. The mere fact that those ppl aren't volunteering to be the guinea pigs is proof, IMHO, that they KNOW it's bad news.

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...and have an independent trusted source implement the vaccinations, so they can't squirm out of it by taking saline solutions

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Title: Shot in the Dark

Description: Dive into the ultimate crossover game show that dares to tread the controversial line of health, politics, and fate! Every week, Shot in the Dark brings together the most “respected“ “health“ officials for a gripping, live spectacle.

First Episode: Prepare for an electrifying premiere featuring an all-star lineup: Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar, Patrick Vallance, Rachel, he judge who sentenced Courtenay, and all the Isle of Man peddlers of toxic jabs/the virus lie.

To the intense strains of a Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western soundtrack, our contestants pass around a mysterious vial from a highly controversial lot. Here's the twist: victims and relatives of those affected by dystopian policies control the music. When the music stops, the LUCKY recipient faces their jabber, locking eyes in a moment of pure suspense as the camera zooms in to capture their every reaction. Those who withstand the next 48 hours earn a temporary reprieve in a luxurious quarantine camp, only to face future booster challenges in upcoming episodes. Each season promises four mandatory booster rounds, keeping the tension high and the stakes even higher. As our beloved bureaucrats drop out, new challengers step up, ensuring a fresh rotation of rolled up sleeves for the needle.

Shot in the Dark might not bring justice for all the suffering, but it promises a thrilling ride and a ratings bonanza for networks tired of the usual fare. Tune in for a weekly dose of drama, suspense, and unexpected twists that will leave you on the edge of your seat!

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This script is better than many I've seen come out of Hollywood!

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Well, a 10-second photo-op on TV isn't my idea of rigorous testing.

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Amen! And make sure it's the *real* "vaccine" and not just a placebo!!!

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They're all too COW-ARDLY!

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Excellent idea.

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The WEF's New World order are likely to overstep the mark in experimenting with Human Health and the maximisation of illnesses that they play with in their attempts to increase their wealth, influence and control of humanity! They will destroy humanity - taking the entire population with them!

Medicines, particularly mRNA invasive, uncontrolled, experimental injections must be subject to LIABILITY! it's common sense, and the only way we can control the insane 'Elite' sponsors of INSANITY!

Unjabbed Mick (Fighting to re-introduce LIABILITY into the insanely corrupt pharmaceutical world!)

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"Bioterrorists"?....Pfizer?, Moderna?, DARPA?, NIAID?, CDC?, Gates?, the Biden White House?...All of the above?....

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Yes, and I forgot the Rockefeller Foundation....

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The Rothschilds are the ultimate puppet masters.

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Indeed they are. They are attacking this country with tax $$$.

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When it spreads from human to human you KNOW it was gain of function engineered

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I am preparing by booking an appointment with my veterinarian well in advance !

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Love it! I've noticed you're always ahead of the herd! A real quick moo-ver!

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Boo WHO Flu will be another scamdemic if you don’t call BS on this now. It has the stench of the previous lie-fest and it’s no accident.

“Always attribute to malice that which has continued too long to be attributable to stupidity.”

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God bless you Meryl- you truly are doing God’s work! ✝️💟

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Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. These people have to stop this madness.

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We need clarity on just what body has the authority to make arrests, and then we can exert leverage there. Can attorneys reading this report clue us in on where that authority lies? Please!

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Any State could prosecute the US scientists for attempted murder. If the AG of any State is willing to endure the tongue-lashing from CNN, Google and Facebook, that state could prosecute and imprison.

The problem is with the perpetrators who are citizens of Communist China.

Communism has long carried a streak of racism in its ideology, holding that some races are superior to others. The Eastern Front of WWIi was largely a test of two competing theories as to who were the Master Race. Neither Nazi Germany nor Soviet Russia would give up their version of the belief so they killed each other by the millions, believing the true Master Race would survive.

Despite Richard Nixon's best efforts at concealment, Communist China holds that the Han Chinese race are superior to other races.

Therefore, giving the Communist Party the tools to craft gain-of-function in viruses openly invites them to kill off the non-master races with high-lethality bioweapons. Until Han Chinese begin dying like flies at a pesticide spill, the Party will believe they are doing themselves a favor by all this killing.

The smart move is to demand adherence to arms control treaties and impose trade sanctions when the Party refuses. Letting them remain in power carries the danger that in the process of destroying themselves, the Communists will take the rest of us with them.

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In what universe do "communists" permit the generation of a billionaire class together with low-wage workers--for decades? Clearly China is a country that is predominantly capitalist together with some important socialist features, but the immense control of citizens is a country evolving into fascism, which I regard as a METHODOLOGY rather than an IDEOLOGY.

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Jon, unfortunately Marxism-Leninism has flexible facts that bend with every paradigm shift. So yes, the only difference between Communist China and Fascist Italy is that Mussolini's jackbooted thugs broke people's ribs then poured castor bean oil down their noses with rubber hoses, causing them diarrheic cramps with broken ribs, but China prefers selling people's organs before or during their execution. Both are totalitarian cults. Since neither considers objective facts to be factual, their leaders could care less what we think of them, unless we owe them money.

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"People" aren't doing this. Psychopathic bureaucrats are. Denying them funding will stop this insanity.

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Ever heard of FASAB 56 and The Missing $21 Trillion? The intel agencies have had a secret back door into the Treasury since 1996, by virtue of being allowed to keep secret accounting books. Just allowing the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board have a rule like that apparently wasn't good enough, so Congress had to get together and PASS A LAW allowing it, while the nation was being entertained by the details of SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh's teenage sex life. See solari.com The Missing Money.

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Which is an oblique way of saying yeah, denying them funding isn't a bad idea, but it ain't gonna happen.

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It will. The actual missing money totals $140 trillion, not $21 trillion. Why it is urgent to the Swamp Creatures to disarm the US population is that they cannot admit all our money is gone, while we have the capacity to investigate their crimes and defend ourselves from being murdered.

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Pretty much, though that's way beyond pointing out why Congress cannot deny the P.B.s funding. However, Congress can create all the cash it wants, directly, & debt-free, even; the Constitution says so. Or, it could try taxing the ppl who have all the wealth, rather than those who don't. https://popularresistance.org/why-does-the-government-borrow-when-it-can-print/


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The basic problem, Comrade, is you slept through the history of barter. Barter can only happen if both parties agree to the trade. If someone says "no", the exchange never happens. Civilized folks walk away from it. Violent people switch from Trade to War, beat the other person senseless, grab what they want, and leave the other person with nothing. Governments happened when the biggest brute in the neighborhood hosted a Fair, at which people could safely trade, because the host could beat the crap out of anyone who tried to rob his guests.

Money got invented at these fairs, as a way to raise the value of a proposed barter deal to persuade the other party to take it. Here in the Rio Salado Valley of Arizona, the Pima people held fairs at which Apache and Tohono people traded regularly, and on occasion Hopi, Havasupi and Navajo visitors came by. Spanish conquistadores who visited the area named the Rio Salado for some saltwater springs along its banks near present-day Phoenix. Pima traders collected the saltwater in pottery, let it dry in the sunlight, and scraped salt out of the pots. A leather bag of salt functioned as money. Everybody used salt in food, and unlike all other foods, salt did not rot.

So skipping ahead five centuries, the US circulates paper notes as money, and we use them in trade because we go to prison if we do not pay taxes. And under the Legal Tender Act, we can only use the paper notes to pay the tax.

Wealthy people, like the Pima 500 years ago who mined the salt their neighbors used as money, could buy what they wanted. They paid in salt for it.

The wealthy can only be taxed until they leave the US for a cheaper place to live. Plus the wealthy have their choice of what to trade and how.

Taxing the poor is a tool for compelling the poor to use the Government's paper notes as money. It's through a majority of the US population using Government notes as money, that the notes hold any value at all.

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Taxing the poor is a tool for relieving the rich of a lot of tax-paying, and also for pouring money into the pockets of the rich (who, evidently, can only use so much salt). https://deanbaker.net/books/the-conservative-nanny-state.htm

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Would you mind quoting where in our Constitution that power to print money exists? I seem to recall a number of places that make specific reference to a Spanish silver coin called the Dollar, that circulated widely in every state but Virginia.

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Article 1, Section 8

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GOF = gain of fiction. These clowns are quite the show. If there was such a thing as GOF, at what point do you gain too much and murder humanity into oblivion? Can you trust these idiots?

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Beaking New!! Worst fears realized! The bird flu that fled the nest to take flight through dog populations globally, dubbed “AVI=BARK 21,” then muttated feather to leave the kennel and take a walkies through human populations, to become H1K9-Sapiens, has now gone on a cattle drive through cow populations globally.

Top dog at America’s Canine Avian Cow Disease Control, Dr. Rook-bert Red-heffer, has confirmed ground zero to be a Guernsey cow named Daisy from the picturesque village of Angusman upon-Quackthames in Bark-shire, England. The region is renowned the world over for its award winning Chedduck, Wensleymoo, and Red Setter Leicester cheeses.

It is believed Daisy fell ill after chewing on GRASS dropped by party goers from an illegal rave-n in her pasture the night before. Daisy reported feelings of paranoia, impaired memory, and cow-ordination issues. Despite this, she has retained her usual good humour and finds its udderly hilarious she caught a bug after enjoying some GRASS. Daisy was con-farmed to be positive for the new variant, christened Avi-Bark Sapi-Moo 22 by (P)ug (C)ow (R)etriever at 112 cycle fetc-hold.

When a reporter from Beakzo’s newly acquired Le Moo-nde insisted on evidence for the starling claim that H1K9-Sapiens had leapt species barriers to infect cows and become Avi-Bark Sapi-Moo 22, Dr. Red-heffer deftly referenced the initial sequencing of the joint Daisy had taken a big hit of. De Novaguernsey sequencing revealed evidence of a man-made Gain of Fiction lab-rador leak. On the inside of the paper used to roll the spliff, a new genome was printed.

Next-Gen Hereford sequencing feather con-farmed the man-made nature of this hybrid bug. The weed traced back to a lab in Amsterdairy, the Rizla’s were sourced from a factory in Moo Zealand, and the genome was concocted with the assistance of software from Microsoft Offsprey 365 - the only place where all members of the health freedom movement can unanimously agree that viruses truly exist in pure, rabid, self-replicating Gain of Fresian form. An Epsowl printer physically imprinted the genome on the Rizla.

Experts from the Warbler Heifer Organization advise consulting with healthcare professionals for any cow exhibiting unusual signs. Mild symptoms of Avi-Bark Sapi-Moo 22 include:

Tai Chi: Early morning, cows assemble in V-formation to practice Tai chi. The serene, fluid motions of Tai Chi combined with focused breathing techniques promote relaxation and alleviate the stress levels they feel about being culled for viruses that don’t exist.

Laughter Milkers: Farmers are reporting that their dairy herds have started uncontrollably giggling during milking sessions, posing a real challenge for them.

Udderly Amusing: Cows attempting to balance on one leg like Flamingos, often end up in a comical tumble.

Yoga Sessions: Cows have embraced Hatha Moo-ga, a branch of yoga - that birds also like to perch on - that focuses on physical postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) to achieve physical and mental balance. It’s widely believed that these yoga sessions help alleviate the stress cows feel amidst complaints about their farts contributing to global warming.

Car Window Enthusiasm: Cows beagle-ly sticking their heads out of car windows during rides to market.

Crossing Crow-nundrum: During cattle drives, cows are adamantly refusing to cross roads unless there are pelican, toucan, or puffin crossings available. Traditional Zebra crossings are now strictly off-limits! Ranchers have been forced to hastily set up quick assemble birdy crossings that cows insist on before they will consider proceeding to market.

Long Avi-Bark Sapi-Moo 22 is far more serious and has resulted in relationship difficulties with dairy farmers, ranchers, and has tragically sometimes even resulted in injury or even death. Disturbing signs include:

Guard Dog Glare: Staring down and mooing in a menacing manner, at anyone who comes near their udders.

Panic Paintings: In a curious twist of identity politics, Fresian cows have been spotted feverishly painting over their iconic white patches with black. It seems that in the current climate-change, these white patches are no longer considered desirable

Pride Parades: Whenever rainbows grace the sky, herds of cows swiftly organize impromptu pride parades. Spectators are amazed by the cows’ ability to book A-list Deejays, market the events, and ensure unlimited supplies of grass for everyone. This heifer-nistic lifestyle has impacted milk quality, sending prices tumbling.

Perhaps the most disturbing signs of Long Avi-Bark Sapi-Moo 22 are:

V-FORMATION CATTLE DRIVES: Recently, herds of cows have been spotted majestically moo-ving in V-formation down bustling transport arteries, urging migratory geese to ease their pace. Huge traffic jams have become the norm. Adding to the chaos, reports have been flying into police stations detailing instances of cow herds leaping off cliffs in a desperate bid to follow migratory birds.

Roosting Riots: A bizarre phenomenon has been observed where cows engage in fierce skirmishes among themselves to secure scarce roosting spots on barn rafters.

This unprecedented hybrid virus, merging avian, canine, and human traits, presents daunting challenges as it crosses species boundaries, prompting health officials and researchers to urgently decipher its implications.

So, ladies and gentlemen, keep those tails wagging and noses twitching for all the latest pup-dates. And remember, try not to get in a flap, when all around are barking mad! From all the pack at Canine News Network, have an awesome evening and stay paws-itive!

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Wow, so we jumping head first into the GoF or natural debate again? Sometimes birds get sick. Just like humans get sick. Just because the media focuses on every day occurances doesnt mean anything out of the ordinary is happening. Ffs this is 2020 all over. And people are playing right into it again.

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Yeah, its a false dichotomy designed to keep peeps from realizing there aren't any viruses for toxic jabs to deal with

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I have no doubt there are sick birds. And I sure as hell dont want to be eating meat from sick birds. But this happens literally all the time. LArge scale ops are notorious vile conditions and if one does get sick, a farmer really has no recourse other than culling the herd. Its standard practice. But for everyone, particularly in the (not-so-concerned-about) truth community, to just fall right into this bullshit again show the vast majority still do not get it. Or have a hidden agenda.

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i dont think there is a debate - GoF is happening and the same culprits are doing it again. this was an article to raise the alarm.

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Gain of Fiction

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maybe we should be asking for REAL PROOF of any pathogen before we start the franken-virus fear porn again. Nobody asked for proof in 2020 and look where it ended up.

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Will all those who believe there exist no pathogens move to your own substack so you can work in harmony together and figure out how to prove your hypothesis, or not, and leave the rest of us alone? If you were sincere that would be the logical thing to do.

We are trying to figure out how to save ourselves and the rest of humanity from these pathogens--did you never see pus? and you are in the way. Apparently deliberately. Go away.

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Would you consider a non-biological agent- like a toxin- a 'pathogen'?

I guess the official definition of pathogen includes microorganisms (virus, bacteria, fungi). If you understand the position of "those who believe" (now put in a "camp"), it is not that "there exist no pathogens". We do not "believe"... we know bacteria and fungi exist. We argue what their characterizations and functions are based on examining the evidence from the literature. So you either do not understand or are intentionally mislabeling the position so it has a little "crazy" ring to it for your loyal followers. Either way, it is rather inexcusable.

I wonder how it is, that seemingly dozens if not hundreds of thousands of lay people can wrap their head around fraudulent science after learning what the scientific method is, and yet so many 'doctors' (such as yourself) either cannot or will not. To date, the laboratory technique (cell culture) used for 'proving' viruses has been demonstrated as pseudoscience- and all other lab and computer model gimmickry is downstream from that. How is is possible that you have not learned that yet? All the information is readily available. I ask, do you have an intellectual curiosity and/or thinking crisis?

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read all my comments you fucking twit before you start accusing me of shit I am not saying:

Joel Walbert

The Truth Addict Newsletter

49 mins ago

I have no doubt there are sick birds. And I sure as hell dont want to be eating meat from sick birds. But this happens literally all the time. LArge scale ops are notorious vile conditions and if one does get sick, a farmer really has no recourse other than culling the herd. Its standard practice. But for everyone, particularly in the (not-so-concerned-about) truth community, to just fall right into this bullshit again show the vast majority still do not get it. Or have a hidden agenda.

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So my issue is everyone is just taking these media reports as gospel and you tell me to go away? Did I say anything about pathogens not existing? No I did not. My bad for suggesting we ask for proof of things. I guess that makes me the bad guy. My god, this is how you act to someone who is merely asking questions? You are fucking pathetic

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I was not necessarily speaking to you. Read the rest of the comments--many claim there are no pathogens. Somehow my comment got placed after yours but it was intended to follow a different comment.

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maybe the cows being fed chicken shit is the reason for any cows that may be sick. But NOOOOOOOO, must be GoF so we can keep the scam narrative going


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you replied to me and told me to go away, while claiming I said something I didnt, and talking about taking people to MY SUBSTACK. You were exactly talking to me. None of the others in the thread have their own substack. What proof is there if these birds are even sick? And if they are, what proof is there that its viral, let alone GoF? Birds get sick all the time, and always have. And the herds get culled. Its SOP for this business. Except this time the known liars in the media are saying its something new and irresponsible people LIKE YOU jump right into bioweapons. Then have the fucking nerve to attack me for asking questions?

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GoF is money laundering for a viral fraud. The date of 1st April 2023 for the project initiation is a big clue, April Fool's day. We have had a series of such days every day since 2020 and they are coninuing ad nauseam.

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It’s well past time for people to wake up.

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You're right. If we can't make them see, then they will help kill us all. Most people don't realize how close we are to being completely controlled.

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It's unfortunate that this article continues down the path of unproven claims such as "asymptomatic carrier", the contagious nature of "viruses", etc, and not critiquing the lab methods used on animals. I'm sure the inoculum used to infect the animals in no way resembles real world conditions. I could go on, but reader beware, even in the ET's.

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Yes I agree that all this blabbering just IS a mouth full of BS

Wanting us all to feel “wow be gone” and overwhelmed

I am 77yrs old and remember standing in line as a 5 yr old waiting to get the shot ….

The cabal needs to go to hell ….

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IMHO GOF "fake" bird flu is responsible for this species jumping but not real bird flu. They, like Billbo Gaggins, have been saying it was going to happen.

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