Sitemap - 2024 - Meryl’s COVID Newsletter

Bird flu: What is it, Who's Doing and Paying for the GOF research, and Who's Cashing In?

Pandemic Treaty negotiations to resume on Monday and continue all week.

Jim Jordan and Thomas Massie tell Tony Blinken the Pandemic Agreement seems to transgress free speech. Would the State Department like to share its thought processes ?

Sovereignty Coalition Twitter Space tonight 8 pm eastern

Mel K show. My interview.

I will be on a podcast with Bruce de Torres tomorrow at 11 am

"Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty"/ The Telegraph

Valerie Borek of Stand for Health Freedom has an excellent, comprehensive slide presentation on the Treaty and IHR amendments

Is the world waking up?

Celebrity Doctors Being Paid to Promote Vaccines is Against the Law/ Daily Skeptic, UK

Lawfare: Maine's Medical Board wants another pound of my flesh

European Commission says it is "actively monitoring fake news" of the incident, and ready to impose fines on tech platforms for "failing to tackle disinformation"

Dr. Drew interview tonight

Tonight: 8 pm ET. CHD's Roundtable on the WHO Efforts

The alliances are shifting, power is moving; but don't expect any imperial power to save us

Can the Deep State's message on the attempted assassination of Slovakia's PM Fico be any clearer?

Nations are also in accord on propagandizing their populations in the newest version of the Pandemic Agreement

Newest negotiated text of the pandemic treaty reveals *nations agree* about rolling out unlicensed vaccines

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico in serious but stable condition

James Corbett and me on the WHO

World Hellth bumper stickers

WHO Makes Key Concessions Ahead of Pandemic Treaty Vote/ Epoch Times

The Oversight Committee, Peter Daszak and HHS

Louisiana did it! SB133 passed the House. No WHO tentacles in Louisiana

BIRD FLU: Inducing panic, rolling out vaccines, and a man-made variety can be made transmissible between humans!

Slovakian Prime Minister Fico shot multiple times several days after announcing his nation will not be signing the WHO treaty and amendments

The entire pandemic preparedness agenda rests on a bed of misrepresentations/ David Bell @ Brownstone

Kenyan groups reject WHO's new pandemic treaty

Nigel Farage ("Mr. Brexit") rolled out a major campaign to reform the WHO in the UK--and to stop the 2 WHO treaties

14 Members of the Australian Parliament call on their government to exit the 2 WHO treaties

The WHO teaches European children Sex, or why this organization should be entrusted with nothing

CHD Roundtable this Thursday evening on the WHO: Mission Critical for Humanity

Nigel Farage: We must be prepared to leave WHO over pandemic treaty/ The Telegraph

Extraordinary meeting of experts on the WHO from Australia

Italian gov't official said traditional livestock farming might have to end due to biosecurity concerns

New World Health Organization logo

~15 nations have made their position on the WHO sovereignty grab, misleadingly spun as an "equity" effort, publicly known before the WHA meeting commences

‘Despicable’: Facebook Censors RFK Jr. Campaign Video, Calls It a ‘Mistake’

Slovakia announces it will not sign the existing versions of the treaty and IHR amendments. Tedros begs Slovakia to not block "consensus"

NYC Freedom Rally: Just Say NO to the WHO, May 25, 12-3 pm, across from the UN

Tracking Unvaxxed With Fingerprints/ Matt Staver, Liberty Counsel

OMG somehow I got through on YouTube with Jimmy Dore.

At age 21, Peter Daszak was a hardened criminal. Spent 4 months in jail for a litany of thefts, including B and E and breaking a Madonna statue and stealing the head.

A feel good moment about teaching, farming, eating and giving kids what they really need

The WHO decided it must continue "hybrid" Treaty negotiations (backroom dealings) until the WHO members meet last week of May

The cattle lockdown begins, using your tax dollars.

It's over, for now. The Pandemic Treaty has failed. The IHR amendments have 7 days to reach agreement. We are WINNING!!!

What Cow’s Milk tells us about PCR testing

Is the US planning a "May Surprise" regarding the WHO treaty and IHR amendments?

Are the pandemic treaty negotiations falling apart? Has the fraud that this is a "member state led process" been revealed?

"Urgent Pandemic Messaging of WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with Their Evidence Base"/ Brownstone

The WHO Falsely Claims to Have Published Final Pandemic Treaty Draft in Required Time Before Key Vote

Telegraph newspaper claims UK will not sign Pandemic Treaty

How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty/ Mercola and A Midwestern Doctor

Patrick Wood explains how One Health includes everything, and that it is already embedded in our domestic agencies

We did it!!! 22 Attorneys-General in the US have told Joe Biden that the WHO will not be making public policy in their states!

Oklahoma House passed a bill denying the WHO, WEF and UN jurisdiction in the state. Yet a few R Senators are blocking the bill in the OK Senate. The people are fighting back!

State Department concluded COVID came from a lab in April 2020. Then backtracked and hid its tracks

BRIEFING PAPER The April 2024 Interim Draft of the IHR Amendments Package. UsForThem

I will be giving a webinar tonight to a small group for IPAK today at 4 pm ET

How to Stop the W.H.O. NOW: 10 Tips for lawmakers

All Michigan commercial dairy farms and poultry operations now ordered to follow military-style BIOSECURITY procedures starting May 8

Press conference with the Pandemic Treaty Co-Chairs on May 3, 2024--they can't find the lipstick to put on this pig

Why would your nation give away its sovereignty over health and information to a corrupt organization run by a bald-faced liar?

Jeremy Farrar aka the Spy Doctor aka 007 aka the WHO's Chief Scientist pushing out anti-cattle propaganda now

Nearly 400,000 views in a few hours. People are hungry for real information about the WHO

WHO treaties get another gut punch from UK MPs and a former Attorney General/ the Telegraph

The attempts to impose control over us "for pandemics" are being implemented at the state, federal, and World level. Newest versions of the treaty and amendments included

Mind Control, including Ritual Abuse. This horror should be understood, but it takes a strong stomach and should not be shared with children

All 49 Republican Senators have said NO to the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments in a public letter to the President

My three "Is the virus real?" articles from 2020 and 2021

A very brief summary of the new WHO proposal on PABS and One Health

If the good guys can't resolve their petty differences, how will we ever defeat the bad guys?

Monkeypox Business: one clear example why the WHO should never be trusted, especially by Africans

The Telegraph published a commentary today telling its august readership to NOT sign the Pandemic Treaty

The Pandemic Agreement. Clarifying (I hope) what seems to be going on.

Instead of the Pandemic Treaty, the draft Pandemic Resolution is being floated as a way of moving past impasses

States Move to Reject WHO Treaty, Federal Health Diktats

The State of Freedom. Bioweapons and Treaties. A 2-part interview

Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic”

Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push

Britain would have to hand over 20% of vaccines under pandemic treaty

My talk in Genoa and what else I've been up to

Oklahoma House passes bill denying jurisdiction in the state to WHO, UN and WEF, 72 to 21

The WHO creates so many false narratives it is hard to play whack-a-mole

The backlash against the WHO is gaining momentum.

Door to Freedom team shines a light on how little has really changed in the new version of the April 2024 amended IHR

We shined the light on the IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty and some bad things have been removed in the new drafts

Members of the European Parliament demand to know how the EU is defining misinfo and disinfo since it is negotiating the IHRs and treaty which include this language

A Brownstone/ REPPARE policy brief that discusses the actual science of managing the risks of a pandemic

My 2 talks in Rome yesterday: the slides

CHD will be live-streaming the Rome Conference where I will be speaking tomorrow (Friday) at CHD-TV

Look what made it to ZeroHedge: The WHO's Road to Totalitarianism

Ron Johnson's Bill S444 to require the Senate to Ratify (with 2/3 vote) WHO treaty has now achieved 49 cosponsors

"US Government bribes 100 countries to agree to the global biosecurity agenda

In Japan, Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’

Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int'l health regulation amendments--so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts!

The Editors-in-Chief of the Lancet and Nature magazine declined to testify to Congress today

Today: 2 pm Hearing: the Constitution and COVID. 8pm Twitter space with Rep. Thomas Massie

HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes--and if no delay, to vote against the proposals

The NIH Director says we are already totally prepared for "emerging threats" -- so why would we want to put the WHO in charge?

Slow the WHO process down (if you don't kick it to the curb)

The Pacific Rim Webinar last night has been uploaded--with Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Katie Ashby-Koppens, Wei-Ching Lee and me

Rome, Italy: An international Conference on the WHO this Friday, and a meeting for lawyers on Saturday morning

Tennessee considering two resolutions regarding the WHO.

Possible "Patient Zero" (researcher Ben Hu at the WIV) received over $40 million for bat coronavirus work from the US government

Scott Ritter on the Iran attack: was it about spending big to deflect Iranian decoys and have Israel's defenses tested?

WHO members must call for a true roll call vote to make the nations and their delegates accountable for their votes

The WHO has its very own Pandemic substack. Even before the members vote on it, the WHO Pandemic Agenda is being built. Many eating at the trough

There is only one tiny part of One Health that makes any sense, and it is antimicrobial resistance (AMR). WHO spins it for all it is worth.

African scientists slam ‘unequal’ pandemic treaty

Rallies scheduled around the WHO votes in late May in NYC and Geneva, Switzerland

Slides from my webinar tonight on how the WHO intends to proliferate biological weapons

Thank you daylight savings time! The webinar tonight is at 7 pm EDT, not 6 pm.

Generating the "national will" to spend hundreds of billions and give up our civil and human rights on the altar of pandemic safety--here is how it was done

TONITE: 7 pm EDT US, we present a WEBINAR on the WHO with me, Drs. Paul Marik, Pierre Kory and attorney Katy Ashby-Koppens

Huge rally in Japan TODAY against the WHO and the genetic vaccines

Important information provided to the court from a Finnish gov't and WHO vaccine expert

Food Control in the US. States with cattle "infected" with avian flu won't be able to export their cows to 17 other states.

3.1 million views on Twitter: Japanese Prof. Inouye blows the whistle on the COVID vaccines and the planned 100 day vaccines that could finish the job the COVID vaccines started

CFR and CIA's InQTel apparatchik Brazilian Bombshell (as in WMD bombs) Luciana Borio can be relied on to provide the globalist bird flu narrative: Be Very Afraid

I received two official communications from the State of Maine yesterday

The WHO Accord: Global Governance is a Real Threat to American Sovereignty

POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK: Press Conference at the Capitol

National Suicide: 20 Days to Stop It

More ACTIONS to stop the WHO's power and sovereignty grab and retain our civil and human rights

Our new webpage to help with ACTIONS

Things people have asked me for: Resources identifying document citations, more on states rights; Sovereignty Coalition Webinars; Good recent interviews

More lies being spread about the WHO treaties by elected US officials to their constituents

Here is how we stop the WHO in the United States. Step 1: A HEARING to educate the Congress. Step 2 (the states) tomorrow.

Attorney Philipp Kruse compiled about 500 pages of evidence on the COVID shots and response for the use of all

Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty/ Epoch Times

Yes, the states have authority to control the regulation of healthcare in their state

"The WHO Wants to Rule the World"

Louisiana Senate Passes Bill Declaring Global Entities Like WHO Will Have No Authority in Their State

Citizens Alert ! -- cartoon

Louisiana's (37-0) shot heard round the world

Thou SHALL obey the WHO. The new treaty includes "Shall" 164 times. The IHR amendments 168 times. You bet the WHO wants to order 194 countries around.

Culling millions more chickens for nothing. If we don't say no, will they be culling humans when the purple plague is unleashed?

5 Interviews I did this past week

Gov'ts around the world culled over 100 million chickens for a bird flu of no concern--I told you this last year and now the media are begrudgingly admitting it

Why does the WHO demand $10 billion a year just for One Health?

Webinar on the WHO tonight

For those seeking a non-offensive, non-Tedros handout

Slightly better poster--and I was schooled it should be a jpg--and a hilarious meme

Rebutting bizarre assertions about the WHO's negotiations

Summary of the Evidence: Why States Can Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them

Citizens' Alert--handout

UK's leaders in bed with Gates and the WHO, gave GAVI billions of taxpayer dollars

"How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more"--republishing because we must never forget this evidence of a terrible crime

They are getting desperate, repeating the lies about the Treaty and Amendments

One hundred globalist flunkies (including has-been politicians) signed a totally misleading letter about the pandemic treaty last week. I set the record straight.

Latest CHD-TV episode with James Corbett and me is out today

"We must fight this chilling plot by the WHO - an unelected body in thrall to China - to seize power over nation states in future pandemics"

The always amazing Katherine Watt tells us what exactly happened to that 2022 petition by 15 AGs (15 not 17, sorry)

State Legislators: We Need You Now!

In 2006, the US federal government told the WHO that in areas where the states had jurisdiction, the federal government could not enforce IHR obligations on them

Can you help Andrew Bridgen sue Matt Hancock for his COVID crimes and lies? The case can't go forward without costs being paid.

Here is our Model State Resolution

Tedros Lies but we show you the truth, with receipts

The Crocus Bombing and the Francis Scott Key bridge attack

Louisiana Leads the Way

The Pandemic Treaty is on the rocks. Developing nations don't want to pay for the expensive buildout of a biosecurity system while all they get is a measly handout for sharing bioweapons

GAVI, the WHO and related organizations are funding local vaccine development. To fool people in developing nations that the vaccines to be forced on them are really their own

WHO Summary for activists who want to help at the state level

Here is a model letter that might be a starting point for an attorney general to notify the President that he will not agree to transfer health sovereignty of his citizens to the WHO

CALLS to ACTION--Naomi Wolf's Daily Clout and I put this together

You are not excited about the AG petition because you did not read it! It is DYNAMITE

WHO getting desperate over the Treaty. Maybe because it could lose tens of billions for its annual budget if it fails to gain approval?

Russian Health Minister gets his talking points from the same place the US' head of Global Health at DHHS gets hers.

In 2022 17 State Attorneys General tried to overturn an initial transfer of health sovereignty to the WHO by Obomber

Is Russia sending the WHO a shot across the bow?

Florida actually passed a bill last year that prohibited govt or educational entities from adopting WHO guidelines, unless otherwise allowed by law or the Governor

Here is a machine translation of the Dutch refusal and reason the Foreign Ministry would not share its letter to the WHO regarding reservations to the 2022 amendments

"The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana."


The Sovereignty Coalition/ Door to Freedom backgrounder for lawmakers on the proposed transformation of the WHO

Louisiana's Senate just *UNANIMOUSLY* passed a bill that denies that any communication from the WHO, UN AND WEF may be used as a basis for action within the state!!!

Slovakia also rejected the 2022 IHR amendments!!! Proof.

FDA is trying to legalize its illegal approvals of COVID vaccines without human trials. Now one animal trial will do the trick to "prove" efficacy?

Netherlands government states that providing documentary evidence on its reservation (or not) submitted to the WHO re the 2022 IHR amendments could interfere with its diplomatic relations

Dennis Kucinich Runs Again: to Retain our Sovereignty, Rights and Freedoms. The Dems redistricted him and Cynthia McKinney to get rid of non-corporate Dem. Members--now he is an Independent.

Very important story for today on Bill Gates, the management of COVID vaccines and the WHO, published Nov 23, 2020 in NYT. But I could only find the full article in the Seattle Times.

World Council for Health symposium on the WHO power grab and strategies to exit--and my own preferred strategies

Michael Shellenberger on how governments around the world are using the moniker "Hate Speech" as an excuse to jail and destroy their opponents (and usher in a world takeover)

My talk to the National Health Federation

The best movie on climate change I've ever seen. Hat tip to Wide Awake Media.

Someone asked me to remove the US Amendments from my slide of egregious actions by the WHO

Two-sided handout (or posters) in grayscale and in color

Archbishop Vigano tells it like it is, describing the epic clash we are experiencing

'Third World Network' thinks the process for developing a final text of the Pandemic Treaty is compromised

Readers asked for this information in the handouts

The Nebraska Attorney General's Opinion on Off-Label Prescribing for COVID

Okay editors, what about this simplified language?

Do you like this handout? Would you use it?

The TikTok bill is a Trojan Horse

What Can Parliamentarians Do about the WHO?

How do all these rapid-fire changes in our society relate to each other?

Supreme Court to hear oral arguments re injunction in Murthy v Missouri: the most important free speech case ever. RALLY outside the court @ 9 am Monday March 18


As Tedros keeps lying, I have to keep correcting him.

Is the WHO normalizing neurologic illnesses--which frequently seem to be a side effect of COVID vaccines?

Finally, a hearing on vaccines with good witnesses, March 21

"Beyond Efficacy: Innovating vaccine development and implementation for Impact"

I need you to act again--this is really important to fight the WHO

COVID Origin: More on Munster's NIAID lab in Hamilton, Montana, far from the eyes of the oversight committees, doing GoF research and producing false narratives

My interview tonight with Dr. Drew--worth sharing with people unfamiliar with the topic of the WHO

A new type of analysis of the COVID vaccine trials finds even more exaggeration of their benefits than we knew

The Texas GOP polled citizens during a primary yesterday, asking if they wanted the freedom to accept or reject vaccines of their choice

Enjoying the New World Rules-Based Order? Food as a geopolitical weapon in an age of starvation

A Good Start: Rand Paul's bill requiring executive branch employees to disclose their royalty payments gets out of committee.

Keep creating biological weapons agents so I can keep my cushy job/MedPage Today

The WHO and its old bag of tricks/Zahra Sethna

Recent interviews with Charlie Ward and with Tommy Carrigan

My interview with Iurie Rosca

Is This the Man Who Created COVID-19 in Fauci’s U.S. Lab?/ Daily Skeptic

Tedros lies again, this time in TIME Magazine

"Long Vax" Breaks in to Mainstream Media

UK's Chief Adviser on Climate Change since 2018 was a kid who couldn't do statistics but knows how to control the message

Cartoons, collected by Robert Blumen and the Malones

New Zealand coroner was very suspicious about vaccine-caused deaths in August 2021, was not getting answers from the Ministry of Health

West Virginia got its first (non-medical) childhood vaccine exemption law passed after many decades of NO non-medical exemptions.

You simply MUST read this. Mr. Iurie Rosca, a retired politician from Moldova, provides the best overall description I've ever seen of what in the world is happening

My interview today with Kim Iversen went into the details of the biowarfare attack on Rhodesia's African population with anthrax, the history of Biowarfare and attempts to stop it

Upping the Ante: Teaching us to behave OR ELSE. The January 6 circus is on the one hand a sleight of hand, and the other hand an iron fist. Dangerous times.

The narrative shifts: Treaty must be approved because it is NOW or NEVER. That is because there is nothing in it that any sane person might want. Thus: emphasize process not product

Fact-checking President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address Analysis by Glenn Kessler The Fact Checker March 8, 2024

Africans realize they are being frogmarched into a new brand of colonialism by the WHO--and more are saying no, why should they be subjugated to Geneva? (Is this why Tedros was plunked there?)

"Why Scientists Love Chasing Bats. The threat to humans from animal viruses is small. The financial incentive to pretend otherwise is large"/ WSJ

WSJ article (verbatim) describes US gov't arms transfers to Israel designed to avoid Congressional oversight and public scrutiny

Very Important: Mainstream Belarus TV runs a 7 minute segment on the WHO scam!!!

My friend Reggie Littlejohn did a great job explaining the WHO mess in 13 minutes and how it will lead to a Chinese-style totalitarian state

Virology experts admit "Pathogen research is scientifically invaluable and saves countless lives, but under some circumstances it can carry global risks."

Ten New Year’s Resolutions to Restore Medical Freedom

States Try Censoring Social Media Since the Feds Got Blocked

UK: Sunak, Mitchell and Cameron and the WHO

Martin Neimoller's famous quote about collective responsibility and evil

We are up to 21 Members of the UK parliament speaking up on excess deaths, finally

Today's NY Times: "The drops (food) come two days after more than 100 Palestinians were killed as Israeli forces opened fire around a convoy of aid trucks in Gaza"

We give Israel the bombs to blow Gaza to smithereens, and now we will airdrop the survivors packages of civilian aid. Is Biden getting a cut on both spends?

Thanks for your help. It has been critical. We brought on two stars in February. We will defeat the WHO

What DID the Nurses See? A must-read book and must-see cartoon by Anne Gibbons

COVID: CDC's contradictory policies

The ‘Negotiating Text’ of the new WHO Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness and Response: An Initial Analysis and Under-examined Points of Concern

Once the WHO Gets its Pandemic Treaty, How Long Till it Declares the Next ‘Pandemic’? Daily Sceptic.

The Globalists' Threat to Sovereignty: the WHO and the Climate Agenda. An important panel at CPAC

International CRISIS Summit #5

Methods of mind-control; discerning reality; helping to change COVID minds with David Charalambous

2 conferences on free speech coming up, in Spain and online

James Corbett and I discuss Solutions to stop the WHO Coup

Bill Gates' Partner GAVI Vaccine Alliance Targets Online Memes, wants to criminalize discussions promoting vaccine hesitancy

Suzanne Humphries, MD has updated her book "Dissolving Illusions" and has written about it today.

2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World/ Paul Craig Roberts

Patrick Wood's Free Speech Summit--please consider attending. Tuesday 8 pm ET

Interviews I did at CPAC

ICS #5 went very well yesterday. Many talks discussed the Great Reset/New World Order/global governance and the elites/cabal/oligarchs that are trying to take over

Russell Brand interviewed Andrew Bridgen and me about the WHO--the show dropped yesterday

The Pandemic Treaty That Won’t Prevent a Pandemic. *Heritage Foundation* comes out against the WHO's treaty/amendments efforts

CPAC Board Resolution: Exit and Defund the WHO

We CAN Stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Why did they pick bugs for us to eat? It's becoming clearer. The bugs will be fed garbage and if the crickets don't die from it, we will be fed the crickets.

Regarding donations and offers to assist my work. We have 3 networkers now at Door to Freedom and I have the chance to hire a 4th.

Ron Johnson tells us that Tedros, Fauci, Biden, Trudeau, Gates withheld treatments and are still lying--why let them handle the next pandemic?

How We Can Stop The WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty/ Part 2 from A Midwestern Doctor

Another wonderful WHO Cartoon

House Select Subcommittee on Pandemic asks what the FBI has been doing with Ralph Baric and EcoHealth Alliance

My interview with Epoch Times on how the WHO instruments will cause pandemics and how the pandemic industry makes a bundle in cahoots with the WHO

Mike Benz is THE best person in the world to explain how censorship works in the US (and to some extent in Europe). New Tucker C interview.

JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock drop out of massive UN climate alliance in stunning move/ Fox news

Meryl's Pre-Crime in Massachusetts.

This post incorrectly described an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts conducted by Greg Hunter. I sincerely apologize for this mistake.

Lawfare goes wild. I have not had a medical license in Massachusetts for 25 years. But now Massachusetts wants to initiate disciplinary action against me, because... Quoting from their letter:

US expects a bird flu vaccines for chickens, but bans French ducks who have been vaccinated.

Critics of WHO proposals on pandemic treaty point to possible dangers by Dr. Matt Treacy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Breaking free from the two-party system | GUEST COMMENTARY

I responded to Congressman Jared Golden's disgraceful letter regarding the WHO.

WHO writes the politicians' talking points? From my local 'Rep' who's lost the plot

A bit more on my quickie trip to Europe last week

GOP lawmakers argue pandemic treaty threatens US sovereignty

WHO Director-General's speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024

WHO's Fooling Who? The one who gives the orders is the sovereign.

Do the Democrats want Bobby Kennedy Jr. assassinated?

Why The Bioweapons Research Industry Is A Danger to Society, by A Midwestern Doctor

Maybe 5% of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendment negotiations are about a trade agreement. The other 95% are about global control of information, pandemics and medicine through the WHO

Peter McCullough talks about the use of Disease X for world government and profit. 2.5 minutes

Very important short video of RFK, Jr and Mary Holland discussing the origin of COVID 19 and the US bioweapons establishment that places the last 4 years into context.

Without honest elections there will never be democracy

After the UK Parliament we went to Ireland, which could be instrumental against the WHO. Tess Lawrie wrote a great piece on our day in Dublin, which I reproduce with some comments.

Andrew Bridgen hosted Philipp Kruse, Christine Anderson and myself to speak for 2 hrs in Parliament Room 10 today

When they wrote the IHR amendments, crossing out human rights was no mistake. 'Cause they did it twice. The second time human rights were only to be ignored when NECESSARY.

The "NO LIABILITY" aspect of the unlicensed, novel vaccine developed in 100 days is in-your-face in the WHO's proposed treaty

Thanks Anne for another Super Cartoon

Nine more Maine legislators signed the letter today supporting me!

BIG Update: TODAY Farmers Surrounded the Headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels and the WaPo covers it!

Reckless vaccine culture runs rampant with the RSV jab

The WHO Constitution is at Odds with the WHO's Attempted Power Grab

I just learned that 13 members of the Maine legislature protested my treatment to the Board of Medicine in December 2023

"WHO pandemic treaty: “Torrent of fake news” has put negotiations at risk, says WHO chief"

Are we done believing the nasty labels yet?

French Farmers Dig Up Highways Leading To Paris As They Continue To Protest New Laws Designed To Put Them Out Of Business!!!

Here is the real, complete story on the voting machines that could be easily hacked by a "voter" inside a voting booth

Important conference you won't want to miss: the Alternative Davos in the Desert presents: Lockdown Nation, a virtual conference. Take a look at the speakers!

Make no mistake. YOU are the carbon they want to reduce. “Don’t lie to yourself,” says Tucker Carlson.

Make them Election Issues: Ban the shots! No globalist sovereignty grabs!

International COVID/Crisis Summit #5 is happening in Washington, DC and partnering with CPAC to get the word to movers and shakers

We will then be in the Irish parliament (Dail) on February 6

Save Our Sovereignty!!!

Light chit chat while I am down with flu

Ontario strips Dr. Mark Trozzi of his medical license for MISINFORMATION

Dominion voting machine hacked inside a courtroom by University of Michigan professor using only a pen--one year ago

"One Health" has an earlier pedigree than I knew. The false narratives emanating from One health had already been created by 2004, and one author of this drivel now works at EcoHealth Alliance.

My interviews with Patrick Wood and Alison Steinberg

Slovak Prime Minister wants to reveal the truth about Covid, vaccine damage and the Pfizer deal!

The globalists didn't wait for the WHO members to approve their global biosecurity agenda next May, but have been putting it in place for several years at your expense. See what they are up to.

A tiny country's health ministry tried to take down the website of an American scientist, journalist and entrepreneur (Steve Kirsch) for posting anonymized, important public health data. He said no.

Lets start looking at some contradictions in the latest draft of the Pandemic Treaty.

Michael Ashley's interview with me

Do they really want to make animals equal to people? Decoded, One Health wants to lower the status of humans.

Tedros Talks with forked Tongue. Here's the evidence.

I spun out on my legal cases (3 now), the WHO and the reset with Bruce de Torres.

My Interview with Michael Farris on "Coffee and a Mike"

Why is Davos so interested in Disease X? The global biosecurity agenda is critical for them to achieve the New World Order/Great Reset

How many UN agencies are trying to take away freedom of speech simultaneously? We've identified 3 so far.

Why would Parliaments in the EU and Canada vote against making the COVID vaccine contracts public?

Before Preparing for Pandemics, We Need Better Evidence of Risk

How the WHO's rules embedded secret, undemocratic "voting" (or not) for a moment such as this

My upcoming interviews

OPINION: President Biden cannot surrender U.S. sovereignty to the WHO - by Idaho's Senator Jim Risch

Does the US government perform and fund 'enhanced' Gain of Function research? Has it been legalized?

The 2021 Whitewash of the WHO was conducted by New Zealand's Helen Clark and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

New Zealand promised to conduct a National Interest Test on the WHO's proposals. Will the NZ Health Ministry conduct it honestly? I decode what it announced yesterday


The Natural Asset Companies have been stopped from trading, at least for now! Big Victory!

'Nuff Said

WHO, UN, WEF and EU collaborate to impose censorship on the world. To protect us, of course. It's for our own good. To protect our human rights and freedoms.

Fauci wannabe Peter Hotez seemed like a clown, but turned out to be very dangerous, creating a "fire hose of falsehoods" that slipped into peoples' unconscious, making them believe his lies

Here is the evidence (from 2004-2014) that our governments tried to kill us by restricting HCQ. WHY? Hydroxychloroquine doesn't kill *people* unless you overdose. But it does kill *coronaviruses.*

James Corbett and I look at the surprising origins of the environmental movement and its godfather Maurice Strong, Jeffrey Sachs' chameleon moves, and their relationship to the UN system

WHO advice: Keep boosting every 6-12 months

Critically important compilation of screenshots from the WHO's proposed International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty. I decode them. Can't argue about them.

I will be the keynote speaker at this conference on the WHO and how it will affect Italy, tomorrow

Twitter caused the post I sent out last night to disappear. And twitter sneakily tried to make me think it still existed

My interview with Doc Ahmad Malik

States' Attorneys General Send Scathing Letter Opposing NACs, and House Resources Committee Initiates Oversight of Natural Asset Corporations

Attorneys at Door to Freedom and Iustitia Movimento Europa have challenged the EU's Health Directorate to respond to additional questions regarding the EU's competence to negotiate with the WHO

Ryan Cole, MD: Board Restricts Doctor's License Over COVID Misinfo

Did HCQ Really Cause 17,000 Deaths? Experts Weigh in on Flawed But Highly Touted Study

Archbishop Vigano spoke to Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics on January 3, 2024, discussing everything you expect

FDA Violated Agency Guidelines by Promoting Off-Label Use of COVID Shots to Treat Long COVID

My interview with Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog

Since Fauci just testified (in closed session) before Congress, I provide the evidence of some well-documented crimes he committed

One Health and Peter Daszak and Planetary Health--the scam to take over the planet in the name of safeguarding health

A compensation program for COVID vaccine injuries was established by the Bill Gates team for the developing world.

Extremely important supplement to the Bret Weinstein interview by Jeffrey Tucker

People ask about the WHO Deadlines, so I made a chart to clarify them

Jeffrey Sachs wrote The Ages of Globalization

Jeffrey Sachs today and yesterday. Quotes from the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statements

What decision-making role will the Australian parliament have in relation to the proposed IHR amendments?

Bret Weinstein tells the whole truth about the world coup, the vaccine, the WHO and the need for courage and resistance in this dark time

French Researchers Identify ‘Improbably High Rate of Deaths’ in Newborns Who Received New RSV Shot

I am grateful to all my readers and supporters

Gaza cleansing. Did Israel make parts of Gaza uninhabitable for a reason?

Time for a laugh--these cartoons are from Robert Blumen

OMG, must read--very, very short--from Jennifer Margulies and Richard Kirschner

Harmless disease detected. Millions must be killed.

To prevent biological warfare you stop it at its source: you don't allow it to be researched or produced. This isn't hard to understand.

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

The "No Viruses exist" cult has been out in force lately